From the Team 

3/4 Classrooms

Frame by Frame

Leaping into their learning for Term 4, Team 3/4 students have begun thinking about the importance of Creativity.

They have thought about different ways people can be creative and discussed how they use creativity in their own lives. 

James K & Emma 3RO


Students used their understanding of creativity when thinking about what makes a good story, with interesting characters and setting and a strong and engaging storyline.

Baden, Ilana & Neive 3RO


Each grade has created a Wonder Wall of questions about the following:

*What do you wonder about where story writers get their ideas for story lines?

*What do you want to know about how movies or animations are made?  

*Have you ever wondered how filmmakers create special effects? 

*Do you know how filmmakers edit footage to create the final film/movie?

Throughout the term, students will develop a simple yet engaging story including characters, settings, and props. They will draw a storyboard that depicts the most interesting scene from their story idea and use the storyboard to make a stop motion animation. They will also build a set and a prop, and capture images for their stop motion animation. They will edit their animation using a computer and present their animation once it’s complete.


In preparation, students have been investigating some of the settings (by using their senses) and characters (by identifying character traits) in stories we all love. 

Here is some of their wonderful work.


Describing a setting - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Ariane 4CB, Ethan, Sophia & James K 3RO


Describing a setting - The Magic Faraway Tree

A small group, Ilana and Ethan 3RO


Describing a character - Mr Twit

James P, Ilana & a small group 3RO


Describing a character - Mrs Twit

Ilana, Sophia, Ryan & James P 3RO


Team 3/4 Author Visit

Over the next couple of weeks, students will participate in an online session with the wonderful Andrew McDonald (author of the Real Pigeons series).

In this session, Andrew will share his creative process, such as where he finds his ideas and how he develops his hilarious characters and creates fun-filled stories around them.

Spending time with Andrew is sure to inspire our budding Team 3/4 writers.

We’re all excited to see students' stories develop over the term!