
Welcome Back! 

I hope you had a relaxing term break at home and read some wonderful books over the school holidays!  


I am very excited to welcome you all back soon and look forward to seeing you in the library! 


We have plenty of new picture books, fiction and non fiction titles on the shelves, ready and waiting for you to borrow! 


Can you believe it?  Christmas is around the corner, our Christmas books have arrived and Santa will be here soon! 

In Australia, October marks multiple dates of significance, including Mental Health Week, World Mental Health Day and National Mental Health Month.


A young Australian author, Isabelle Duff and illustrator, Susannah Crispe has perfectly timed and released this new book, "Cookie" on 8th October for the National Mental Health month.  Cookie gently deals with childhood mental health in a beautiful, simple and sensitive way.  It is a playful and uplifting story of a dog and his human.  It is a fun, hilarious and cute puppy book and a glimpse into children's mental health.  Isabelle wrote this inspirational book as a tribute to her puppy and to raise an awareness for childhood mental health.  This is an endearing lens through which to open a conversation with your children around empathy, compassion and friendship.  This is a kind of love story we are all seeking in Covid times, but it is appropriate for all times.  Girl and Cookie convince us that love conquers all.  Use this mental health month to give those you love extra hugs.    


Susannah Crispe also illustrated this wonderful children's picture book, "Where the Heart is", read by the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson here -

Please return your overdue books to the library when you return to school soon!  Grade 6 students, please find all your library books and return them.  


Thank you!  Mrs May 📕📖