From the Secondary Principal Team

Thank you to all Lakes families for their enormous efforts to support student learning all through this term. It has been a very difficult period for everyone. The commitment to push on and offer support and encouragement from so many in our community has been inspiring. Our data indicates that the vast majority of students have engaged and participated in online learning. We have maintained consistency and routine to programs as much as possible. Of course, our teachers and ES staff have worked incredibly hard to keep the momentum and focus on the learning and wellbeing of each student in our college.
Learning progress, NAPLAN Results and Encouragement Awards
Learning has been linked to modified assessment tasks and student assessed coursework (SACS). Teachers have taken a targeted approach to facilitating learning that addresses the key skills and knowledge of their respective subjects. All subjects have completed at least one assessment during lockdown 6. The use of Microsoft teams has enabled communication between staff and students to be readily swift. Our Year 11 students have been magnificent. Their commitment to their studies and to achieving their best has never been more evident than during this period. We are very proud of their efforts and maturity. Our NAPLAN results are very encouraging. Year 7 literacy especially amongst our girls is higher than like schools and on par with the state mean. Year 7 and 9 numeracy has improved across the board with a dedicated approach to individual learning plans supported by the math’s pathways program. Year 9 results are marginally better across the literacy domains with girls ahead and almost even with like schools. More importantly, our tail has reduced amongst these results. We will be focused on lifting the increasing number of students in the middle band to higher results. There will also be appropriate funding to support students who have stagnated during the lockdowns. Data will be gathered to identify the students most “at risk” and customised programs to engage and drive their learning will be implemented. This applies to students who are also high but have not continued growth at the expected level. Interim reports will be competed at the end of term 3 for all students. In keeping with tradition, Encouragement Awards will be distributed to committed and outstanding performances during this term.
Wellbeing Support
Home Group teachers have contacted families extensively throughout this term in an effort to answer learning questions during remote learning, provide wellbeing support and a caring ear. Most families have reported very positive interactions with both teaching and home group staff. We have made it a priority to keep the channels of communication open encouraging questions, concerns and feedback. We are so proud of our Lakes community in this space. We have listened and acted to survey responses on remote learning and supported a screen free day, RUOK day and encouraged staff to organize a range of competitions, quizzes and games to keep connecting our students to their teachers and peers. Many students have participated which has been so encouraging for us. Our welfare team has maintained high levels of communications with students who have experienced significant difficulties. We continue to provide resources and supports to many students. Even in such a difficult economic and emotional climate, we continue to receive so much support from families around us which has been so comforting and reassuring.
We all hope that students and staff can return to school as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime, keep looking out for one another, keep the routines going that work for your family and take care of yourself so you can take care and support your children.
A “Frequently Asked Questions” page on the Vaccine Rollout in Schools from the Department Of Education is further in the newsletter for you to review.
Stay safe and thank you.
Bill & Bonnie.