Year 1/2 Term 4 Overview

Year 1/2 Term Four


Welcome back to Term 4 at St John's. We hope that you enjoyed a well deserved break with your families and look forward to continuing our learning journeys together both remotely and back onsite.  We are looking forward to having all Year 1/2 students back onsite Thursday 21 October.


Religious Education: 

This term our initial focus will be on the Creation story from Genesis and the beauty and goodness of our world. Students will be looking at how humans impact their environment and what it means to be a Steward of Creation in the Catholic Tradition. 

The next focus will be on the significance of family meals and gatherings in relation to the Church's sacrament of Eucharist. Finally, we will be looking at our Church's season of Advent and learning about Jesus' family tree and the Christmas story. 



In Mathematics we will be continuing our professional development in working within the  EMC3 project. 


Topics will include:

Fractions - investigatinghalves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections

Place value and counting - counting on with a particular emphasis on beginning from different starting points and reading, writing and modelling larger numbers

Chance - focusing on the key ideas of probability, randomness, fairness, bias, and whether an event is independent or dependent

Money and Financial Matters - identifying equivalent values in collections of coins or notes and counting collections of coins and notes to make up a particular value

Volume - investigating the volume of prisms

Capacity - comparing capacity, using a range of containers




Our foci for reading comprehension this term includes:

  • developing vocabulary and using context to work out word meaning
  • comparing and contrasting (finding similarities and differences between texts)
  • examining dialogue in text (the features and purpose of dialogue)
  • identifying the author's purpose

In Reading groups we will continue to work on developing fluency, expression and reading stamina.



The focus in Writing this term will be to entertain. Students will be exploring narrative structure, developing characters and setting descriptions, including a series of events with a complication and resolution. Fairy Tales, myths and legends will be used as mentor texts to further develop their understanding of this genre. 


Social & Emotional Learning:

Social Management 

This term the focus is on collaborating to manage social interactions. 

Students will be introduced to scenarios and stories to identify ways to resolve conflict and recognise that there may be more than one way to solve such conflict. They will be encouraged to identify a range of solutions and think of the advantages and disadvantages of each possibility before deciding on the best one.  



Earth's resources and how they are used

This term's inquiry is closely linked with our Religious Education, especially with October being Mission month, and practical ways they can be a Steward of Creation. It is also closely aligned with STEM, focusing on the engineering design process when finding solutions to different problems, such as creating sustainable products and materials. Students will identify where and how products are made, as well as exploring different animals, where they live and what they produce. 


Home Learning

  • Reading - Daily reading and recording in reading records.
  • Reading Eggs - Developing skills in word knowledge and comprehension
  • Mathematics - Tasks will be set in Mathletics relating to classroom topics to consolidate learning. It is not expected that students would complete all tasks in one sitting. Students are encouraged to revisit topics from last term and consolidate their understanding by using the available mathletics tasks relating to these topics.


Students will have specialist classes towards the end of the week (please see timetable below). They will be required to wear their sport uniforms on Tuesday and Friday. They will also need to bring in their library bag and books on a Friday.

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday





Art (CB)


Performing Arts


Art (KR)

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us


Kristina, Marisa, Carmel and Naomi  (1/2KR) (Friday in 1/2 KR) (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 1/2 CB) (Wed & Fri in 1/2 CB)