Prep Term 4 Overview

Prep 2021 Term Four

Welcome back!

This term the Preps will be reintroduced to the expectations of school life and how we show respect to self, others and property. We will re-identify new places to play around the school, how we can ask to play with other people and how to spot students who might need a friend. 

Term Overview:

Religious Education:

This term students will listen to parables Jesus told and draw out the key messages in the story. They will also explore the themes of how earth was created, identify God’s creation and man-made creations. They will explore the events leading up to the birth of Christ, such as the Annunciation and the season of Advent. This term the Preps will also spend time studying the Nativity Story, which they will re-enact.



Students will be learning how to comprehend texts beyond the surface level this term and will be exposed to more advanced reading strategies such as changing the vowel sound, reading on and inferencing. Students are now expected to read a wide variety of high frequency words, stretch out simple new words and be encouraged to gain a deeper understanding of what is being read. To link with our Inquiry, we will be learning more explicitly about non-fiction texts, in particular information reports. 

Students will be exposed to a greater variety of authors and writing styles and will be taught how to write for a particular purpose, for example, to entertain, to persuade or to inform. Students will learn new writing skills, including searching for facts, creating headings, and using diagrams. 



In addition to our daily work on counting, we will be developing and consolidating skills in these areas: 

Fractions: Modelling and explaining equal parts of a whole, particularly looking at halves and quarters. 

Money: Identifying Australian coins and comparing their value.

Chance: Using specific language to describe how likely an event is to occur. 

Time: Using time-specific language and telling the time to the hour (o’clock times).


Please continue to utilise the Mathletics program at home to support your child’s learning. 



Earth's resources and how they are used

This term's inquiry is closely linked with our Religious Education unit, especially with October being Mission month, and practical ways they can be a Steward of Creation. It is also closely aligned with STEM, focusing on the engineering design process when finding solutions to different problems, such as creating sustainable products and materials. Students will identify where and how products are made, explore different animals, where they live and what they produce.


Social and Emotional Learning:

This term there is a whole school focus on Social Management. This strongly relates to problem solving, resilience, making and keeping friends. Students will learn that friends may like different things or the same things and both are ok. They will also learn what self-control is and how it is a combination of being both strong and gentle at various times.  


Specialist Subjects:

Specialist subjects will continue this term. This will include

  • STEM, Digital Technologies and Physical Education
  • Library on Tuesdays
  • Italian on Thursdays
  • Performing and Visual Arts on Fridays

Here is a friendly reminder of things to bring to school:

Food: The Preps eat a fruit/vegetable snack each morning around 10am. Food should be chopped into small pieces as students do not have a long time for this snack. Please bring a named drink bottle to school every day. Just a reminder that students need to have only four items in their lunch box as there are 3 opportunities to eat. Please be aware that some children have nut allergies and cannot come into contact with these foods. Thank you for your understanding with this. 


Book Bags: Our blue book bags need to be brought to and from school each day. They are used for notices and reminders, so please check them each day when they come home. At school they live in our ‘book bag locker.’


Hats: Hats are to be worn during Term 4 when outside for sports, lunch and recess. Hats will stay at school until the end of Term 4. 


Communication: Please come and see me at any time and know there are no ‘silly questions!’ My emails is 


Shannon Kearns