Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden Update

The first week back has been a busy one in the garden. Many of the 5/6 students have pitched in to help spread the mulch underneath the playground equipment by shovelling, pushing wheelbarrows and raking. In the coming weeks we will continue to spread the pine mulch on the garden beds around the school. Produce has been harvested by our onsite students and taken to the kitchen to store. This has has included beetroots, potatoes and radishes. The wicking beds were topped up and new seedlings have been watered. We have more tomato seedlings to be planted in the coming weeks, and we hope to plant out some gooseberries and cucamelons that have been sourced by Mrs O’Mealley. Thanks to all students who have helped in the garden, its looking great.

We look forward to welcoming our year 3 and 4 students back to the kitchen this week and using our produce to make some tasty dishes for students to try. 

Quince Paste For Sale

Don't miss out on our enormous 300g tub of delicious quince paste for only $6! Please contact the school office to order and arrange collection.