Senior School News

News from grades 3 and 4


The Grade 3/4 students have been learning about the main idea in reading. They have been reading texts and finding 3 supporting pieces of evidence to identify if the text is a persuasive, informative or entertaining. Here are some student examples:


Students in the Grade 3/4 rooms have been learning about addition and how to use vertical addition to solve problems. They were given an online website (Hart Sports) to purchase sports equipment on a sport of their choice. They had to add the total cost of items up. Please see some student examples:

News from grades 5 and 6

A new term brings new opportunities and a new topic. This term’s topic is “My Money, My Choice?”. This topic will be the focus of our literacy sessions and will begin to weave its way throughout out maths topics as well.



During this topic we aim to teach students about the importance of where their money comes from, how they will spend their money and what it takes to have a job. Last week's focus was on income and expenses and whether these expenses are wants or needs. Here you’ll find a few images of what students have determined as wants and needs or what they have seen as both. For example you may need a laptop to complete your work, but you may want the latest MacBook. Some students have tried to convince us that the ’NEED’ a basketball… But soon realise it may be fun to play with but not necessary for their survival. 



We also have introduced the students to a new tool called ‘Banqer’. Here students have been able to set up automatic payments to the banker (their teachers) in order to pay for many expenses. These include things like WiFi usage, electricity usage and chair usage. Students have to manage when these expenses are paid and that they have enough money in their account to pay these expenses. They have created a CV and this week will be able to use this to apply for jobs in which they will earn money. It is a fantastic learning tool and definitely something to discuss with your child.


We look forward to students developing their financial literacy and watching them discover why their parents say no when they ask for certain things 😂 You might want to ask them what job they have applied for at school and what this job involves, what the difference is between income and expenses and how they determined whether something was a want or a need.


During Maths, we have been introducing the topic of division and how it is related to multiplication. Students have been using their multiplication knowledge to assist with their ability to calculate division equations quickly. Below you will find some work students have completed highlighting how you can use multiplication to help you divide.

It’s going to be great to see the students back in the classroom this week to have some fun and continue to develop our financial knowledge. We certainly have missed seeing all of them in person!