From the Principal

Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, Respect.

**Please have cameras on during Online Lessons**

Dear IPS Community,


Welcome back to school. Not quite the way we had all hoped but it is important to stay positive knowing that from the 18th of October there will be a staggered return to school for all students. 


In the meantime, please encourage your child to have their camera on during online lessons. Visual feedback and body language is important to the lesson.

Face Masks

Sometimes the information provided in the media appear at odds with the directives received from the Department of Education, so below is the information as it stands  currently for schools regarding face masks. The statements in bold and italics are clarification I've sought and received from the regional office.


Please see for the latest face mask requirements.


For all school settings, the Victorian Chief Health Officer directs school staff and secondary school students aged 12 or older to always wear a face mask indoors and outdoors at school, including when attending an Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program, unless a lawful exception applies.


While the above says all school settings this does NOT apply to students aged 12 in PRIMARY schools. 


The Victorian Chief Health Officer directs school staff to wear  face masks while teaching wherever practicable, except where removal of a face mask is necessary for effective communication.


The Victorian Chief Health Officer strongly recommends children under 12 years of age and students at primary school to wear face masks when at school, attending an OSHC program, or when travelling to and from school on public transport, taxis or ride share vehicles.


"Strongly recommends" is the salient point, therefore Ivanhoe Primary School requests that all students bring their own masks to school every day. Children will be encouraged to wear their mask. It would be helpful to ensure your child’s masks is  clearly labelled and that you have spare masks available at home (unfortunately, we will not be able to provide masks for students). You may like to have a discussion with your child about how to wear the mask correctly (covering both nose and mouth).


The Victorian Chief Health Officer states there are a number of lawful reasons for not wearing a face mask, including for staff and students who are unable to wear a face mask due to the nature of their disability, medical or a mental health condition.


Please understand that no student will be "in trouble" for not wearing a mask rather we will endeavour to praise students who wear face masks correctly. This is a sensitive subject and no one wants to make anyone feel bad.


A  correctly worn face mask covers the nose and mouth. Face shields, scarves or bandanas do not meet requirements. 


These  strategies are to limit transmission. They also may no longer be relevant by the time we come back to onsite schooling as there are frequent changes to the operations guide for schools.


I am fully aware that this is a controversal subject for many and I strongly encourage communication with the school to enable us to work together to manage the current circumstances without needlessly causing distress.  Please remember that neither I or my staff make the rules but we are expected to follow them.


I am more than happy to take your call if you need further information or reassurance.

2022 Foundation enrolments close on Friday 15th October.

For us to effectively plan for 2022, Foundation enrolments close on Friday 15th October. If you have yet to enrol a sibling or know of a family who intends to enrol for 2022, please advise them of the closing dates for enrolment.


A storytime event  is happening next week for any kindergarten students interested in enrolling next year for Foundation. All enrolled families and main kinders have been sent this invite. See the 2022 Foundation Transition page in this edition of "Inside Ivanhoe".


If you intend to enrol at IPS please get in touch by Friday 15th October. 

MAKING IT - the theme is Community

Have you seen the new TV show on channel 10 called Making It? It’s a bit like a Maker/Crafting version of MasterChef.  In each episode competitors, are given a theme that draws its inspiration from popular trends in crafting and DIY and they must come up with a brilliant creation that is judged.  In the end, only one hopeful will have crafted and DIY’d enough to earn the title of Master Maker.


We thought the IPS community could have some fun and do it better! So, we are running the IPS Does Making It Competition! 


  • To join in, form a team.  We want parents/carers to work with their children and form a Family Team.  Only one family per team and teams must comprise of kids and parents/carers.
  • Each family team has 20 days starting from 8th October to Make It!
  • The theme is ‘COMMUNITY’
  • Each family team will create, build, make or invent something that relates to the theme of ‘Community’.   You can use any materials you might have at hand. Recycling and upcycling bits and bobs would be amazing!
  • As you work on your creation, send through ‘sneak peek’ or ‘teaser’ pics to and see if you can spot yours in our newsletter.

We hope when restrictions ease that we will be able to hold a Covid-safe Expo Afternoon where creations will be on display and everyone will be able to come and view the creations of our talented families.  Of course, we have an alternative up our sleeve if this isn’t possible.


Oh!  Did we forget to mention that there may be PRIZES?


Most of all, have fun working together and watching others as you all become Makers and Inventors!

Our School Fair 

Unfortunately, our fabulous Fair will not go ahead as planned. Thank you to the Fair Committee for all their work and organisation. Our Fair Organisor, Cat Atkinson provides the update below.

Farewell Chris 

Our wonderful "techie" Chris Kefalas has submitted his resignation following a promotion within the Department of Education. Chris has been instrumental in helping us all transition to online learning and many other improvements to our school over the six years he has been with IPS.

We will miss Chris, his initiative and skills, his willingness to solve all techie problems, to move heavy laptop trolleys and TVs when called upon, his ability to consume his body weight in chocolate and above all his sense of humour.

Chris has been apart of the team for many years now and his contribution to the DLT program and resources has been profound.  Thank you.


Victoria having been recognised as the place longest in lockdown in the world doesn't do a lot for lifting spirits but you know what! IPS has remained a strong community and still achieved great things! Well done everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mark Kent
