Classroom News & Student Awards

Classroom News

Junior Class - Mrs Creek

Our shared class story is called ‘Shark and Crab’ by Julie Ellis. One day the hungry shark was looking for something to eat. He saw a little crab. Crab persuaded the shark to let him go. In the end, the shark was glad that he made that decision. Crab helped him escape from the fisherman’s net. 

Even though this story does not have a lot of words, the students were required to make connections with the author’s choice of words. We discussed why the word ‘said’ was replaced by the word ‘shouted’ when the shark was talking. We have continued our patterned writing from the story ‘Stellaluna’ and created interesting sentences. 

Mathematics tasks have included 2D shapes and patterns, making groups, addition with the ten frames, money problems to solve, and reading graphs. 

Our prayer focus has been to see with the eyes of faith, adding to our understanding of how to have a living faith in our lives; so we can become more aware of the presence of the Lord. 

Middle Class - Miss Williams

It has been wonderful to be able to have everyone in our class back this week and that we can be learning together. 

This week we have been focusing on the story ‘You are a Star’ and have been looking at the verbs we can find in the book. 

In writing we have been working on writing letters to Miss Webb's class in Darwin. Miss Webb contacted me last week to see if we would like to write to her class and our 2/3 students and her 3/4 students have been allocated partners and we have begun the process of writing our first letters to them. 

In Maths the Year 2s have been working on money while the Year 3s have been looking at addition and subtraction using the split strategy. 

This week we were also presenting the assembly and have presented to the whole school some of the things we have been working on so far this term.

Senior Class - Ms Murphy

It has been a busy week in the Senior room with lots of testing and finishing off other important tasks. Well done to you all on giving it your very best effort. 

We have begun to read our class novel ‘Foxspell’ by Gillian Rubinstein and we have continued to work on improving our use of vocabulary and words in our writing. This week we commenced ‘Word Study’. Instead of spelling lists and other traditional methods of learning spelling we are taking a more inclusive approach to learning new words (and yes there’s still going to be a list to practice!). We have started to look at ‘base’ words, what they mean and where they come from. The students were able to impress me with their vast knowledge of vocabulary around the base words of ‘phot’, the Greek for light and ‘manu’, the Latin for hand. 

The Senior students have been busily imagining and creating a ‘skit’ for graduation and we look forward to entertaining you next week at assembly somehow! 

During maths we continue to focus on improving our mental calculations and have spent some time investigating fractions, decimals and percentages. 

How wonderful it is to have a ‘normal’ classroom back together. I cannot thank you all enough for the patience, encouragement and dedication you have shown toward your child/s learning journey over the past 7 million lockdowns. Without this support none of this would be possible… So a hearty thank you to all our amazing and supportive parents and carers. 

Have a wonderful long weekend and enjoy!

Happy Birthday to ...

Sienna, Jet