Kings Park News

Year 7 and 8
Term 3 has been another interesting time for everyone at school. Teachers have been developing their skills, using a range of programs and online activities to make learning interesting for everyone. The response from students has been very positive as was demonstrated during their Student Led Presentations. It was a pleasure for me to see so many presentations from across the Junior Teams. The creativity, artistry and enthusiasm made this a very special event.
While it is only September, planning has begun for 2022. Year 8s have participated in the Art Tech Expo, an event where they were introduced to a range of electives that will help prepare them for future learning and career choices. A big thank you to the Art and Tech teachers for their input into this event.
A very big shout out must go to students who have, despite all the challenges presented this term, been present for 100% of their classes. These students are:
Han, Peng Peng, Lina, Tommy, Jasmine, Phillip, Daniel, Julie, Johnny, Sophia, Chanelle, Zo Ram Paw, Zoe, Eliza, Andy, Ryan, Faiza, Reynold, Ermin, Izza, Sarisha, Tania, Tin, Justin, Riteesh, Filip, Charlina, Peter and Bryan.
Well done to you all on such a great effort!
As the holidays arrive, now is the time to take a break from screens and find a way to relax and look after ourselves. Hopefully, we will all be able to do this in the coming two weeks. Have a good break and stay safe,
Ms. Pam Farrelly
Campus Leader
C & T Team News for end of Term 3
We have made it. What a challenging term this one has been again. Firstly, we want to say well done to all of the C and T team students who have persevered with online learning for the majority of this term. We are so proud of the efforts you have continued to make towards your subjects this term. We really hope that you have a wonderful two weeks break and get out and explore the 10km radius around your home. Make sure you not only get off your devices that you have been using for remote learning, but get away from your phones, gaming devices and the television. Get some fresh air and explore your neighbourhood.
Secondly we would like to acknowledge the amazing efforts that all of the year nine and ten teachers have made this term. Speaking with many of the teachers, they are really missing the face to face interactions with each other and especially the students in their classes. Thank you for all of the lesson planning, the correcting of drafts, the creating of online activities such as Kahoot! and the regular check-ins that you have done with the students to make sure that everyone is coping okay.
Despite the lockdown, ten of our Year 10 students were fortunate to participate in the ABCN Aspirations Program. The Aspirations Program is designed to familiarise high school students with the working world and equip them with skills to build a successful career. Here is what our Kings Park Campus Captain, Todd 10T1 said about the program:
“The ABCN Aspirations program was a great benefit in helping me learn about the world of work and exposed me to the reality of the different stages of employment. With group-specific mentors, I was able to receive one-to-one help and learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses, my personal brand, and attributes employers actively look for in various industries. ABCN aided me in building skills in order to have a successful career, and was a great external program to participate in. Not only was this program educational and worthwhile, but it was also fun and engaging, with a positive environment and a wide range of activities and hands-on (online) work to complete. It was an honour to be chosen for this, as this enlightened my knowledge, provided me with insightful information, and helped me to learn about the world around me.”
Ms. Francke, Ms. Tauber and I would like to wish everyone a relaxing and safe two week break and that we look forward to seeing you back at Kings Park as soon as possible we are able to return in Term Four.
Mr Bradley Rankin
Campus Leader
Ms Jade Tauber
C Team Leader
Ms Jessica Francke
T Team Leader
Celebrating student engagement in online maths lessons.
Students at our junior campuses have been practising their maths skills in a fun and interactive way while in remote learning, by participating in online maths lessons on the Education Perfect platform. This work has enabled students to consolidate what they are learning in class and practice new mathematical skills.
Congratulations, to the following students from our Kings Parks campus, who have completed the most amount of questions on the platform for their year level during term three. Between them, they have completed over 20 000 questions!
Year 7
Nina, Michael and Ishaan .
Year 8
David, Justin and Patricia .
Year 9
Bradnon, Lina and Arnav.
Year 10
Lisa, Azid and Ben.
Ms Megan Scott
Learning specialist Maths
Kings park
7L3 Quiz
Just some fun to wrap up a crazy term. Most of 7L3 have been working very hard all term, despite remote learning. Thank you for all your hard work!
Congratulations quiz masters Bryce, Esther and Chloe!
Ms Amanda Nguyen
7L3 Maths Teacher