Miss Munro's Maths Message


I’m not really sure where the year went – but here we are at the End of 2018! It’s been a huge year in the Maths department, and it’s been a pleasure to be a part of it.

So, we begin the wind down of the school year. This also means that Learning tasks are now well and truly done and dusted and reports will be out soon. Again, we want you to focus on what your student has achieved over the year. Often times, we focus on facts, figures and numbers (maths teacher… pot, kettle.. I know, I know) but remember, we have been working with each individual, to grow their thinking and application of knowledge as well as their content knowledge. I encourage each person to ask their student to show them their Maths Pathway Learning Map (I’ll pop a link in at the bottom of the page for a how to) and have a look at what has been achieved in a year. This will give a good overall picture of where your student is at, and where they are going. Our Learning Tasks have also got some great insight into the other parts of the curriculum we have been working on, as well as the Proficiency strands that support Mathematics content. If you have any questions about how you might access this information over the next week, feel free to send an email to the classroom teacher and we can help you find it.

Some of you may already know – that there will be a shake up in the Maths Faculty for 2019. We are saying farewell (but don’t stay away too long) to Miss Olivia O’Brien, Mrs Chelsea Carter and Miss Rachel Munro (Me). As teachers, we are on a continuing journey to learn more (as we all are in life really). So we are off to spread our wings and see some more of the educational world around us, and fill our brains to the brim with possibilities. From me (Miss Munro), I couldn’t have had a better cohort of students to welcome me to the world of teaching! As I sit to write this, I know I’m going to miss every single student from Baimbridge College. I can not put into words who generous, caring, passionate and talented our students are. As a new teacher, it can be a scary thing to stand in front of your own class for the first time. But I can say, that I’ve had a group of students who had my back from the first second I stood in front of them. We have all been able to learn a lot TOGETHER.  I look forward to seeing you all around town, and being a part of the Baimbridge Community for a long time to come!

Have a fantastic Summer Break, and use those maths skill (including Algebra) to:  calculate your summer wage, the percentage you spend on ice-cream, budgeting for that new skateboard, the ratio of time spent in to water vs on the sand, or calculating the number of seconds you have until we see you back in the halls for 2019.



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