Around the school

Back to basics in Metal

An appreciation for power tools was probably the biggest lesson for Metal student Mitchell Williams who created this clamp without the use of power tools such as grinders and drills.  He used the lathe to create the thread on the bolt and a hack saw to cut out the plates.  Great work Mitch!

We want to hear about the issues from you.

We have installed the feedback box, where students you can have your say, whether you choose to be anonymous or pop your name on the concept / issue is up to you, we would, however, prefer to see names.  If you have an idea on how to improve our school please come and take a form from the box outside Mr Price's office.

Parent Approved Absences

We are aware that some parents are keeping their children home to help out or work at the end of the year.  Students are supposed to attend school until Wednesday the 19th, so if you have had your child at home please be sure you approve the absence on Compass.

Devices in 2019

Our existing loan system in 2018 will not be in operation in 2019.  This will mean that students in all years will require a device in good working order to see them through the year,  please call our technicians if you have any queries re the capability of your device for operation on our network.

Orientation Day

It was great to spend the day with our Year 7 2019 crew today. They participated in a range of secondary school classes such as science, STEAM, cooking, English, Woodwork, PE and Art to give them a taste of the year ahead. Students participated extremely well in all classes and teachers commented on their good behaviour and willingness to have a go. The Year 9 Peer Support leaders are to be congratulated on their efforts and the organisation of period 1 which they planned and conducted to help the year 7’s to get to know each other.  It was also great to see our current students welcome the new kids so warmly, I did not see one group of kids unnacompanied all day, a true display of our schools values.   Activities were based around getting to know each other and team building. This relationship will continue in 2019 as we continue to support the transition to secondary school.

We look foward to the first day of Year 7 2019 where secondary school journey begins as part of the Baimbridge community.

School for Student Leadership - Marlo, Snowy Campus

Last Friday 7th December I travelled down to the School for Student Leadership – Snowy Campus at Marlo in East Gippsland. For the past 8 weeks five of our Year 9 students have been enrolled in this very special leadership program run by the Victorian Department of Education.

Brock Sanders, Mitchell Williams, Hilary Slocombe, Molly Sanders and Jaz Hill have all made some lasting friendships with students who have come to Marlo from all parts of Victoria.

They have engaged in a curriculum that will have a lasting impression on them, having cultivated leadership skills that will be with them for life.

On the Friday of my visit the students presented their Community Project to those of us who were lucky to be there. All of the presentations were amazing and it was evident how much thought there had been in their preparation. 

Our Baimbridge students titled their presentation “Sport for Kids” and focused on an intervention for the significant number of inactive children in the Hamilton area. In 2019 Hilary, Brock, Jaz, Molly and Mitchell plan to work with the local Primary schools and offer a hands-on program to targeted groups of students in participating schools. They hope that a peer-to-peer program will be a successful way of engaging normally inactive young people.

Our students will return to Hamilton at the end of this week and they have all said that this will be a difficult time as they have all become so close in the Snowy School, it will be like “leaving family” according to Jaz and Molly.

Congratulations to our SSL students who have represented themselves and Baimbridge so well. We look forward to seeing them back in Year 10 in 2019.

Mr Sutherland

Vietnam Cambodia 2019


At recent year level assemblies students we given a presentation on the Vietnam and Cambodia trip that is planned for November/December 2019.

Details are as follows:

Dates: 23rd November to 7th December 2019

Cost: $3,500

This includes:                                                                               This does not include:

Return airfare                                                                               Passport

All accommodation                                                                     Visa's

All meals and drinks at meal time                                           Health Insurance

English Speaking Guides                                                             Spending Money

Entry Fees to all                                                                           Drinks and Snacks

All Transport                                                                                  Vaccinations


Chat with friends – who’s in?                                                   Discuss with your parents

Get them to contact me with questions                                 Start saving – holiday work, odd jobs

Get grandparents/aunts and uncles on board for travel gifts

Term 1 2019

Parent meeting – February                                                        Pay a deposit of $600 - March

Contact: Samantha Adams


Second Hand Books

The following 2nd hand textbooks and novels are still available from the General Office. Please ph 55722788 if you require any of the below, or visit the office.

Year 7-

3x Humanities

Year 9-

2x Humanities

3x Science

4x The Simple Gift

4x Swerve

Year 10-

1x Science

3x Humanities

1x Freedom Ride


2x Unit 1&2 Food Solutions

3x Unit 3&4 Food Solutions

1x Unit 3&4 Chemistry

1x Unit 1-4 Product Design Textbook

3x Unit 1-4 Product Design Workbook

1x Unit 1&2 Maths Methods

3x Unit 1&2 General Maths

4x Unit 3&4 Further Maths

1x Unit 1&2 Music Performance Workbook

1x Unit 1&2 Legal Studies

1x Unit 3&4 Health & Human Development

1x Unit 3&4 Psychology

1x Unit 3&4 PE

2x Fahrenheit 451 novel

1x Biology VCE Checkpoints

Portland Careers Visit

To finish off our year ten careers classes and in an effort to enlighten students to the many and varied career pathway options open to them in our region, we travelled to Portland to visit three very different industries. The trip was arranged in conjunction with WDEA Portland and Hamilton.

In three separate groups from 10.30 to 1 o’clock, students were efficiently delivered by Mr De Man, Mr Sutherland and Brian our Trotters bus driver to The Port of Portland, the Alco smelter and Yumbah abalone farm.

The groups were hosted at each venue by a representative who took us on a guided tour around their facilities. Along the way students learned about the background of the businesses, their operations and the diversity of roles available at each.

All three were eye opening in very different ways meaning each and every one of the fifty students had the opportunity to find something that inspired them. Alcoa was interesting because of the huge infrastructure and the variety of complex career roles it supports. The Port of Portland was equally enormous, and the idea of being part of something so connected to international trade through all of the different exports was an education in itself. Yumbah abalone farm introduced students to the expanding world of intensive agriculture; something they may not have considered before. It was exciting to hear about the training partnership being developed with South West TAFE to give students access to certificate courses in aquaculture from 2019.

The student’s positive attitude ensured that the day was a success and it is hoped that many of them have expanded their personal and professional networks. It is planned for this trip to be part of the year ten calendar again next year so that future students can feel confident and excited about their future career pathways.


Can you please help??

Our canteen is in desperate need of volunteers.  With limited names on the roster in 2019 (thank you  thank you thank you for your contribution to our school to those who have volunteered) we are calling for volunteers.

We do not care how long you can give.  One hour will be better than nothing.

Our canteen has already lost one trading day and the students miss that dearly.  Without volunteers we could lose another.


If you are able to assist please complete the form below and return it to school.  We appreciate anything we receive from our volunteers.