Spirit of ANZAC prize

Spirit of ANZAC State Prize Winner
One of our year 10 students, Matthew Bannon, has been awarded as a regional finalist in the Premier’s Spirit of ANZAC prize!
Matthew entered the 2018-1019 Spirit of ANZAC prize with a 15,000 word story that he researched about “G for George”, an Avro Lancaster bomber operated by No. 460 Squadron RAAF during World War II. It is now preserved at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra.
Matthew attended the Grand Hyatt on 14th Feb 2019 where he was presented with a certificate for Achievement as a Regional Finalist. Member of Parliament Robin Scott, Minister for Veterans and The HON Daniel Andrew, Premier of Victoria awarded the certificate to Matthew . Since the start of this prize in 2005 only 280 students have had the privilege of being awarded and going on the study tours.
If you see Matt around the school please pass on some kudos!