From the Principal 

Meagan Cook

This term has been full of great events and programs that have provided students with a range of opportunities to learn and grow. 

  • The Careers Trade Expo was a great opportunity for young adults and the general population to learn about the different opportunities for apprenticeship and vocational training. 
  • The Model United Nations (MUNA) Program allowed High Abilities Program students to argue for important issues and develop their public speaking and diplomacy skills. 
  • The State Schools Spectacular rehearsals continued, allowing students to showcase their talents in music and dance. 
  • Our Harmony Day, celebrations were a great way to promote cultural diversity and inclusivity. 
  • Our Year 8 students participated in an Alumni Experience, allowing them to connect with former students and learn about their experiences. 

I particularly enjoyed attending the Arts Showcase which provided Yr 9 students with the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents. The work on display and performances were excellent. 



Year 9 Art Showcase
Year 9 Art Showcase


I want to congratulate our Yr 10-12 students on their outstanding exam results! 


The hard work and dedication of our team of teachers and students have paid off with excellent outcomes. These results reflect the success of a strong partnership between our exceptional teachers, support staff, committed students, and the support and guidance of our parent community. 


To the students who may not have performed as they desired, remember that you are all more than one set of results, they don't define you. It is your pursuit of continual learning, your dedication to improving yourself, and having the courage to keep going, that truly sets you apart. 


All students should have access to their semester one report on Friday 23 June, here are some tips for reviewing it:

  1. Read through the report carefully: Take the time to read through the report carefully, paying attention to both the positive feedback and areas for improvement.
  2. Understand the grading system: Make sure you understand the grading system used in your school, as this can help you to interpret the report more accurately.
  3. Identify areas for improvement: Look for areas where you can improve and set goals for the upcoming semester. This could involve seeking extra help from teachers or developing new study habits.
  4. Celebrate your successes: Don't forget to celebrate your successes! Take note of the areas where you have done well and use this as motivation to keep up the good work.
  5. Discuss the report with your parents or guardians: Discuss the report with your parents or guardians, as they can provide support and guidance as you work towards your goals.
  6. Seek feedback from your teachers: If you are unsure about any of the feedback in your report, don't be afraid to seek clarification from your teachers next term. They can provide valuable insights into your progress and areas for improvement.
  7. Use the report to set goals: Use the feedback in your report to set goals for the upcoming semester. This could involve setting targets for specific subjects or developing new study habits to improve your overall performance.


Your semester report is just one measure of your progress. Don't be discouraged by areas for improvement, but instead use them as motivation to work harder and achieve your goals.


Let us continue to demonstrate a growth mindset that will enable us to maintain and improve on our performance in the next semester. Excellence is a journey, and it requires ongoing commitment and a collective and continuous effort.


Once again, congratulations to all the students on their outstanding results! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and I am proud of your achievements. As you continue to navigate the world, both academically and personally, I look forward to seeing your continued success and growth. Keep up the great work!


Remember, taking care of yourself is important for your well-being and success in school. Take the time to rest and reset during the term break so that you can come back refreshed and ready to tackle the second half of the school year.



