General Information

Information which you need to be aware of.


The first anniversary of Jayden’s passing was yesterday.  We continue to keep Bill, Vesna and Jake in our prayers and will be gathering as a school community on Wednesday 24th May to celebrate a Mass of Remembrance. Families are most welcome to join us at 9:30am in the school hall for this Liturgy.


The parish schools are now reintroducing the celebration school community masses after the interruptions caused by COVID 19. After three years and one term we will gather as a school community at St Andrew’s Church on Saturday, 27th May @ 6pm.


We are extending an invitation to all Catholic families to join us at the church for this mass which is being offered for our First Communicants who receive the Sacrament in June. 

First Communicants will be presented with the Australian Children’s Mass Book at this mass.


The school will continue our partnership with Subway this year.  This initiative provides students with an opportunity to receive a ‘lunch order’, that families have ordered and paid for online, prior to the day.  Our next Subway Lunch Day Friday 19th May.  


Please order via the link below:



A reminder that parents and toddlers are asked NOT to use the student toilets. This is for the safety of all students and for your own wellbeing.  Parents and toddlers are welcome to use the communal toilets in the Community Space located adjacent to the front office.


The school is currently in a test phase of our LineWize Cyber Safety Monitoring. We are collecting data now and are using the scenarios that occur to categorise example alerts in one of the following categories of responses.

  1. No action needed - false alert
  2. Alert achieved and monitored
  3. Meeting with student
  4. Meeting with student and written communication to parents
  5. Meeting with students and meeting with parents in person.

We will have teacher training in the use of classwize which allows for the real time monitoring of student screens as well as access to tools which assist the teacher to safely distribute online content to their class without pop ups, ads and comments from global users.


We will then release access to Qustudo to parents in Term 3. This will provide parents with access to a monitoring application for 2 devices within the home. It will also support parents on understanding cyber issues through the use of a parent online safety hub.