Year 10 Ski Trip 

Expressions of interest open 

    Please read the following information with regards to the 2021 ski camp.


  • Dates: Monday 4th - Friday 8th August 2022 
  • Location: Outdoor Education School, Bogong
  • Estimated cost: $720 (per student).
  • Students: 20 Year 10 students in total (10 Male, 10 Female)


The learning intentions at the ski camp are: 

  • To build resilience by developing strategies to cope with challenging situations by demonstrating persistence, motivation and initiative. 
  • To develop specialised movement skills in challenging movement situations and apply feedback to enhance performance. 
  • To develop a connection with the Alpine Environment by learning about it and immersing yourself in it.


This camp is designed for students who have minimal to no experience in the snow and is NOT SUITABLE for those who have extensive skiing experience.  The program usually includes one day of cross-country skiing and 2 days of downhill skiing (weather permitting) at Falls Creek ski resort. For further information on the camp, please see the following link;

Parents/guardians MUST email Claire Suckling to confirm their child’s interest and permission to attend the camp. Please feel free to also email for any further queries regarding the camp.