6 TG



Over the past few weeks in Inquiry we have been conducting some experiments. The first one we did was to see how light moves at different speeds through different materials. 

The second experiment we looked at water in its 3 different state of matter: liquid, solid and gas. 

Students had to go to 2 different stations and undertake the experiment. 

During these experiments, students have had a chance to practise their procedural writing, where they have focused on the hypothesis (prediction) and recording their results (what actually happened). 





Winter sports 

The grade 5/6 students went to Frankston East Primary to verse them in soccer and netball. We were so impressed with the sportsmanship that our students showed and how each student gave it their best shot! These games allow the students to practice in readiness for the lightening premiership in week 7. 



Over the past few weeks students have been engaging in a game called reverse land grab (or paddocks). 

Our challenge for you:  

The grade 6 students are going to teach you how to play. 

This game involves students to use their multiplication, division and factors knowledge. 

If you do play this together as a family, we would love to see a photo. You can post this to seesaw ! 

Here is a video to watch in case some of the rules have been forgotten. 


We hope you have fun :) 

District Cross Country 

Well done to those students who participated in the district cross country! 

Despite the wet weather, the students all gave it their best shot and cheered each other on during the whole day! 



We hope you all have a fabulous weekend, 

Miss Tamara and Miss Georgia 😊