Year 3-6 Sector


Year 3

It was great to see so many happy faces and hear about all the wonderful things families enjoyed over the holiday period. Term 2 has kicked off with a bang as students have settled in quickly and got straight into their new units (please remember to be checking SeeSaw regularly to see what we are up to!) 



In Reading, students have commenced a unit of mentor texts linked to the History of Australia. We will explore texts such as ‘My Grandad Marches on ANZAC Day’ by Catriona Hoy, ‘The Great Expedition’ by Peter Carnavas and ‘Sorry Day’ by Carol Vass. Students have been engaged in some excellent discussions thus far so be sure to check in with them about what they are reading and thinking about. 


Students are engaging in all manner of creative writing techniques at the moment, leading them towards writing their own narratives. We have seen fabulous descriptions of setting (hello spooky graveyard!) and the creation of hybrid animals that can do all sorts of weird and wonderful things. This is the perfect time to discuss with your child some of their favourite narratives (be they books or movies) - what characters do they love and why, what storylines do they find most interesting, how do problems get solved and so on. We can’t wait to see what they come up with as they take on the role of creative author.



Students have continued to build their Number knowledge, exploring the concept of multiplication and how to use arrays as a thinking tool. They are making links between repeated addition and multiplication and working hard to build their knowledge of number facts. We have also begun to investigate mass and have had a great time using balance scales, weights and classroom objects to compare and order mass – including a discussion of how mass is not quite the same as weight (the idea that if you were on the moon your mass would be the same as it is now but your weight would be different due to the lower level of gravitational pull was a hard one to wrap your head around for some students).



This term in Biology, students are exploring the question, ‘Is it Alive?’ So far we have investigated specimens in the classroom and playground and are starting to come to some agreement on the scientific claims that all living things have in common– such as, ‘It needs water’, ‘It grows’, ‘It can reproduce’ and ‘It moves’. We still have lots of questions, particularly concerning this specimen from our Explorer’s Journal, what do you think?



This term, students will consider the concept of change in our new unit, ‘Into The Unknown’. We have been fascinated by examples of change over time (the concept of an encyclopedia being all the knowledge you had to work with for a project was almost beyond comprehension, the image of a Penny Farthing perplexing) and have just started to immerse ourselves in the ‘The Age of Exploration’.



 In Health, we have started to look at safe and unsafe situations and our responsibilities in decision making. Students explored the difference between words and actions that are rude vs mean vs bullying and identified strategies that could be used to help in these situations. Another good discussion to continue at home.


Happy learning from the Year 3 Team!


We are proud of all our students' efforts, positive mindsets and look forward to acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments with them throughout these units.

Year 3 Team


Year 4

The Year 4 students have settled back in after the school holidays. Students are looking forward to getting to the athletics carnival that was rescheduled from last term as well as our first excursion for the year to the Melbourne Museum.


In Literacy, students have been learning how to use the Seven Steps to assist them in creating a narrative story. They have been exploring different ways to create an engaging Sizzling Start for their narrative. Students have also been learning how to use the 5 senses to help them with Tightening Tensions. 


In Maths, students have been solving multiplication problems using different strategies such as arrays and area models. Students have been looking at classifying and measuring different types of angles in the geometry unit.

During Science, students have begun looking at different natural land formations in our Earth sciences unit. Students have looked at how the Twelve Apostles, Uluru and the Organ Pipes have been formed over time.


''In year 4, kindness is our jam!''

Year 4 Team

Year 5


In year 5 we’ve been a learning a variety of different things. We will be discussing our learning in reading, writing and maths. 


In reading, we have been making connections and reading a book called ‘Boy Overboard.’ We’ve been having lots of fun with it. 


In writing, we’ve been working on our own narratives using a story mountain which includes rising action, a climax, falling action and a resolution. We all have very creative ideas for our story. 

In maths, we’ve been focusing on two things; Fractions and Angles. In our fractions segment, we’ve been learning how to add and subtract fractions, as well as simplify fractions. We’ve also been converting improper fractions into mixed numbers. In the angles portion, we’ve been learning how to measure angles. We even made our own angles posters. 


Thank you for reading!

Written by Osaana and Samuel in 5D

Kind regards,

Grade 5 Teachers

Year 6

We have had a great start back in Term 2.


In Reading, we have been reading the book ‘The Magician’s Elephant’. We have been defining different themes in the book. It has been lots of fun.

For Writing, we have been making picture story books for our Prep buddies. We are all very excited to give the books to our buddies and to see their ecstatic faces when we read it to them!

In Math, we have started a unit of Chance and Probability. We are experimenting with all the possible outcomes and have been exploring the unique vocabulary found in Chance.


In Humanities, we are learning about Australia’s recent history. We have investigated reasons for immigration to Australia such as economy and safety, and the types of cultures that have arrived in Australia.


By Sana and Tejasvi 6B


"In Year 6 we are cool because we thrive at school."

Grade 6 Team