From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Families,


Last week was a big week for our school. Our review took place which involved a team of four reviewers, 2 Senior Leadership Consultants and 2 DOSCEL Principals, touring our school and interviewing all staff, a number of students and a group of parents. We have many successes to celebrate and when the report is formally shared with the school, I will share these with you in more detail. We also have a clear idea for future direction of the school. As we travel further into our post-review phase and begin to develop our Strategic Intent for the next four year cycle, I will share the goals for our school with you. This is an exciting time for us as a school and I look forward to us working together in partnership to achieve our goals.


One of our successes is the whole school implementation of Seesaw. This has allowed for a consistent approach across the school for collection and assessment of work samples and will form a key point for discussion at our Student-Led Conferences in week 9. Please enusre you make an appointment to meet with your child's class teacher. This is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you as well as for you to engage in conversation about your child's mid-year report. We will be sharing further information over the next semester regarding Seesaw, how it is used and what we are aiming to share with you. For those families who have struggled to set up an account, our staff will assist you with this at the conferences.


Before and After School Procedures

In order to keep all of our students safe, I must ask that you remember the following:

  • Our school gate doesn't open until 8.30am. Please don't leave your children unattended in the street before this time. If the gate is closed, please wait with your child until the duty teacher opens the gate.
  • We no longer have a crossing guard on Endeavour Drive. This means our families and students need to be extra vigilent when parking, pulling out and crossing the road. Please encourage your child to still use the crossing - they are more likely to be seen by oncoming traffic. Please don't encourage the children to run across the road between cars. You are still welcome to share your feelings known to Casey Council about our lack of a crossing guard.
  • School finishes at 3.30pm. The duty teacher finishes their duty outside at 3.45pm and we ask that all children are collected by this time. We understand that there are occasions when a parent may get caught in traffic, if you are able to do so on occasions such as this, please let the office know that you are running late.
  • Merinda Park offers before and after school care for families who need to access this service.

Pupil Free Day

Don't forget that Friday 2nd June is a pupil-free day. The staff will be working with Glen Pearsall to develop the use of feedback in the classroom - feedback to and from students as well as feedback to and from each other.



I thought I would take this opportunity to share the photos from the Catholic Education Week Leadership Dinner. Joy Andrews received her award alongside staff from St Peter's College. I was commissioned as an educational leader alongside other new principals in the Diocese.

Have a great week and stay warm, winter is coming

Felicity Broughton
