Student Wellbeing

As we approach the shortest day of the year in June we have been fortunate that, while it is cold in the mornings, the days have provided sunshine and we hope all of our winter months ahead would be like this. That sunshine helps enormously in terms of our wellbeing and overall health.
Uniform Updates
We have observed the following concerns in relation to the uniform:
- Students are wearing their PE tracksuit pants all week where they are only be worn on the days the students have Health and PE classes
- Extra hoodies or tops being worn underneath the PE polo shirt rather than wearing their PE rugby top or PE jacket
- Wearing non-school jackets (eg Kathmandu coats) rather than their blazers or school jumpers
- Unacceptable jewellery items – such as facial piercings and false nails
Year Level leaders are continually reminding students of uniform expectations. Students who have continually been given reminders of incorrect uniform have been sent home to correct these issues.
We do thank all of our families who support our uniform expectations and those students who wear their uniform with pride.
Athletics Day – Monday 15 May and Attendance expectations
On Monday 15 May, we held our annual Athletics Day in beautiful Melbourne weather of 21 degrees. We could not have asked for a better day.
It was a most successful day for those students who attended but sadly, while the event is a compulsory school day, we had a larger than normal absentee list and a number of students who declined attending on the day.
These special days that we hold over the course of the year are not optional days and we remind everyone that attendance every day at school is expected in order to maximise learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom.
Reflection Day – Friday 26 May
We remind all our community that Friday 26 May is our Reflection Day for Years 7-11. Year 12 students will have a Study Day and will participate in a Retreat program in the early part of June.
We remind everyone that this is also a compulsory attendance day for all students from Years 7 -11.
Community Police Information
As we are members of the Brimbank Community Police Network our College staff attend meetings that are held each month over the course of the year.
The meeting last week focused on Social Network concerns and the issue of Sexual Extortion.
This issue is linked to image based abuse where a person is being extorted over an image that they have shared with another individual and the receiver of that image then attempts to share the content with others. They demand money to prevent this from happening.
We have attached to this edition of the Marian a handout provided by the Community Police to explain what you can do if this happens to you. The process does include contacting the eSafety Commissioner. The handout also provides tips on how to stay safe online. Please take a moment to read the information and discuss it with your child at home.
National eSafety Week – Monday 22 to Sunday 28 May
We have also included information provided by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation on other ways to support our young people online. It is worth noting that we are a member of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation as well as an eSmart school.
The handouts provide useful tips about cyberbullying, how to keep yourself safe online and ensuring that you specifically know who you are communicating with.
We provide this information to all families and we will share them with all of our students during eSafety Week.
If you have any concerns in relation to your child’s use of social media please contact your child’s homeroom/mentor teacher or Year Level Leader in order to assist you in navigating this element of the world our young people live in.
Kerrie Williams
Assistant to the Principal – Student Wellbeing