Learning & Teaching

Forthcoming Semester 1 Examinations and the GAT
As outlined in the previous Marian News, the Semester 1 Examination Block for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 is forthcoming. All Year 12 students and Year 11s studying a Unit 3/4 VCE Study also sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) during the Examination Block.
The Examination Timetable and Student Examination Protocols are available on the SEQTA Examination Information Portal Page.
Students will only be required to be on campus for their examinations during their scheduled Examination Block. However, if a student has two examinations in one day, they are not to leave the campus between examinations. There will be supervised study spaces available. This week an Operoo letter will be sent to all families, outlining arrangements and requirements.
Please note the following dates:
Year 11 Examinations - 8 June to 16 June (no Year 11 Examinations on 15 June - GAT Day)
Year 10 Examinations - 9 June to 14 June
Year 9 Examinations - 9 June to 13 June
General Achievement Test GAT) - 15 June
Subject Changes and Semester 2 Timetables
The College, in certain circumstances, allows students to make changes to the selected subjects for their VCE or Year 9/10 Program for Semester 2. The major criteria for changes are:
- a demonstrated change in pathway
- a recognition that the student may not have the skills to succeed in the selected subject
- well-being issues which could impact on the student’s ability to complete a study
The approval of the change will also be dependent on the availability of a more suitable subject or semester unit option.
Subject/Unit Change Forms are now available from outside the Learning and Teaching Office. To be considered for a change, all parts of this form must be completed. All applications may not be successful. Some classes are already full and timetable clashes may make certain changes impossible. The student’s skill development and potential for success in the subject are also considered.
The deadline for the submission of Subject Change Applications is Monday 29 May. Semester 2 classes commence on Tuesday 20 June and timetables on SEQTA will be available prior to that.
Jane Goddard
Assistant to the Principal - Learning & Teaching