Term Dates

Term Dates | |
Matinee Performance P 2 & 3 | 17/05/2023 |
EXC - RE - Faith In Action | 18/05/2023 |
PA Evening Showcase 7pm | 18/05/2023 |
EXC - 9RED5A | 19/05/2023 |
EXC - All Yr 11 - Careers | 19/05/2023 |
EXC - NGV Craft of Writing | 19/05/2023 |
LOTE WEEK | 22/05/2023 |
Student Social Justice Seminar 2 | 22/05/2023 |
EXC - CH011 all day | 22/05/2023 |
EXC: Toyota Brain STEM | 22/05/2023 |
Year 7 2024 Interviews | 22/05/2023 - 24/05/2023 |
EXC - Brain STEM Toyota | 23/05/2023 |
EXC - 9/10 RE - (1:15-2:40 pm) | 24/05/2023 |
EXC - Ice Skating (HR-P3) | 24/05/2023 |
EXC: Literature | 24/05/2023 |
EXC - CH011 Carrum | 25/05/2023 |
EXC - Fitness Studio - (R-P3) | 25/05/2023 |
Year 12 Study Day | 26/05/2023 |
Year 7 to 11 Reflection Day | 26/05/2023 |
INC- P3 VCE Reach | 29/05/2023 |
EXC - Faith in Action (P1-11.30 am) | 30/05/2023 |
Staff Professional Learning Afternoon (students finish at 1.00 pm) | 30/05/2023 |
Adventure Sports Camp Yr 9/10 | 31/05/2023 - 2/06/2023 |
Marian News | 31/05/2023 |
For a comprehensive list of term events, please visit the website: