Performing Arts

Mother's Day
VET Events students prepared and hosted a beautiful Mother's Day on Friday 12th May. It was wonderful to see so many mothers and their daughters enjoying some time together. My thanks go to Angel Brown and Marienne Kimoden, who performed Taylor Swift's 'The Best Day'. It was a lovely rendition, and highlighted special moments in a mother-daughter relationship. Angel reflected on the experience:
"Being able to perform in front of many people I don’t recognize is a first ahead of many experiences. As expected, I was overwhelmed with many emotions, but it was just the nerves getting to me. But as soon as I stepped onto the stage, those thoughts slowly disappeared. When you put your mind to something, you would want to deliver it as best as you can so that the audience can capture the message. Our love for mothers was the rock foundation for our performance, and dedicating it to them is even better. I loved the experience of expressing my emotions through a talent that I am passionate about, and I am glad that mothers got to feel the way I felt delivering it to them. A thank you message to all the mothers; You are the rock of our lives, being there for us, through the good times and bad times. We are fortunate to be able to have a bond with our mothers, and we are forever thankful. Thank you for being a Mother to me."
Creative Music in Schools
Lessons are in full swing this term, and we are happy to be offering guitar, singing, and drums as well as piano and violin. CMS are offering a 10% discount on the term's fee to new enrolments. Information brochures with expression of interest forms are available from the Performing Arts Office.
The showcase for this semester is on this Thursday 18 May from 7 - 8pm in our O'Neill Auditorium. There is no charge and all are welcome. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions about the program please contact me at the College on (03) 9363-1711 or email:
Mari Eleanor
Performing Arts Programs Coordinator