Meet a student

10 minutes with….
Vivien Tran
- Tell us a little about your life outside of school? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions
I live in a family of 5, my parents, my two older siblings and I. As the youngest I like to wreak a bit a havoc sometimes but other than that, we are a funny group of people. I like to do creative writing, reading, sketches and playing games in my free time. I am more passionate in playing games, preferably rhythm games or strategy games. My fellow Fire Emblem fans, I represent you all 😊
- What do you like most about being a student at Marian College?
I am the Marian LEO’s 2023 Co-President and my job consists of running meetings, organising BBQ’s or other fundraising activities and representing the club inside and outside the school! What I like about being a student at Marian is that the people I meet are usually very friendly and welcoming. I enjoy talking to all kinds of people and it has made my school life quite peaceful and worth going through, despite reaching some of the hardest years of high school.
- Who inspires you:
- At school
In school, the people that inspire me are my friends that have stuck by me through thick and thin. They’ve been all strong soldiers through all the issues we have faced together, and it makes me want to be stronger for them and for other people.
- In Australia?
Well, I’m not one for remembering or idolising any celebrities in general so I have no one notable in Australia in mind. However, shoutout to my sister for basically being my second mum and raising me. I know we have a large age gap, but we get along like best friends and that’s what matters to me. You inspire me to try harder in life and to go for my dreams despite the criticism.
- What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?
Personally, I think a big challenge girls go through today is just being yourself and loving yourself. Since social media has been on the rise, there have been lots of body shaming or faking internet personas or just faking what they are in real life too. Many young girls want to grow up fast so they can get on trends or to be someone they are not. Its disheartening to see and I wish it wasn’t so prominent.
- What advice would you give to students at Marian College?
Live your high school life to the fullest and do what you enjoy! One day, your high school life will be reaching its end and so you should take every opportunity you can get from school. Join clubs, try for leadership roles, help around and do something your passionate about. It doesn’t matter what your friends think, just go for it. You don’t want to live in regret afterall!
- Favourite food & drink?
Not sure if I have a favourite food or drink, I basically eat everything, ha ha. I am an enjoyer of seafood so I really love eating raw oyster and salmon sashimi. These foods are connected to lots of birthdays so I cannot help but feel extremely happy eating them when I get the chance.
Now a favourite drink… does water count? I’m kidding, I enjoy drinking Jasmine tea because of the simple, calming yet elegant aroma it produces and its quite good for digestion! When you drink it, it’s a bit tangy but not quite sharp to the tongue. I could go on for ages, but I would recommend it to anyone who like floral teas.
- Favourite holiday destination?
Unfortunately, I’ve never been outside of Australia but I did enjoy the time my family rented a beach house a very long time ago. I don’t remember where but it was lovely to live nearby the beach with the rest of my extended family.
- Favourite TV show & Movie?
I’m not an avid watcher so I don’t really have a favourite, but now I’ve been watching an anime called ‘Oshi no Ko” or in English “My favourite Idol” or “My star”. It is currently still airing and its very well done so far. The story is captivating since it goes over the realities of the entertainment industry. Many of the character’s stories are based off of real life events that occurred to many people in entertainment industries and I appreciate that it gives awareness to how corrupt some industries can be.
- What are your dreams for the future?
I don’t have much of a goal or dream for the future, I go just go with the flow and choose the optimal route. I just hope our future still exists and that people can be happier in life. I want to help that future by being a social worker or child safety officer. If that doesn’t work, then I’ve got plenty going on for me. My dreams and goals are flexible and they change pretty often. A perk of being an all rounder “jack of all trades, master of none” I guess, ha ha!
- Which 5 people in history would you like to invite to a dinner party?
I’m not much of a history geek, in fact I actually dislike history so I have no idea who I’d invite. Hmm… Maybe William Blake? I’m interested in his views of romanticism, but this is also a recent bias since I’ve been reading his poems lately. I can’t think of anyone else!