Year 7
In theory lessons this term, our focus has been on celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion. A major area of focus has been exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures and their deep connection to country. This has created opportunities to understand the significance of their relationship with the land.
In practical lessons, Year 7 has been involved in developing skills and gameplay within the sport of Netball. Our students have honed their ability to make fast decisions, adapt to changing game situations, and effectively communicate with their teammates, enhancing their overall problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Year 8
In our commitment to equipping our students with essential life skills, Year 8 students have been engaging in a comprehensive study on the concept of consent. We believe it is crucial for young individuals to understand the meaning, importance, and application of consent in various aspects of their lives. Our goal is to empower our students to foster respectful relationships and establish healthy boundaries, laying the foundation for a safer and more inclusive community.
In practical lessons this term, our students have been engaged in a journey of creativity and expression through the creation of a group dance performance. The dance task began with students brainstorming ideas and concepts, choreographing and practicing each element before finally performing the finished product.
Year 9
This term, our focus has been on empowering students with knowledge about healthy eating habits and the impact of nutrition on their overall well-being. Our Year 9 module has incorporated lessons on nutritional guidelines, analysing food labels and meal planning to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their dietary choices.
In practical lessons this term our students have had the opportunity to experience the excitement of badminton and develop a range of skills through playing matches in both singles and doubles formats. The fast-paced nature of badminton requires quick changes in direction where our students have focused on developing agility, improving their footwork, and mastering the ability to cover the court effectively. Our students have learned various tactics, such as positioning, shot placement and responding to an opponent's movements.
Child Studies
This term, Year 10 Child Studies students have had the opportunity to spend an hour per week at Mater Dei Primary School, assisting in the stage 1 and 2 classrooms. They have taken part in a variety of activities, including reading groups, story time, art and drama classes, and general activities. We are grateful to the fabulous teachers at MDP who welcomed our students and provided them with such a wonderful learning opportunity.
Students also spent time honing their art and craft skills, creating and engaging in play-based activities based on nature.
Mr Matthew Hope | PDHPE KLA Leader