
We are coming to the end of our 3rd topic for this year in our junior classes. Students from 8-10 should have completed Semester Exams. These results will be released in the next few weeks if they are not released already.
Year 7 have completed a Practical Report and results will soon be ready for release. Students in years 7-10 always have homework and extension activities available on the online digital learning platforms; Education Perfect and STILE.
Many of our Senior classes are working on Depth Studies at the moment. These studies allow our seniors to extend their knowledge beyond the syllabus. There are 15 hours available to complete these studies. They are a major part of their assessment program for Year 11 and 12.
Year 10 will soon be looking at choosing subjects for Year 11. If there are any Science related questions, students can to myself or their Science teacher for advice.
Mr Charlie Anderson | Science KLA Leader