Academic Care and Wellbeing

In Homegroup we have continued our focus on learning conversations, in particular th importance of motivation at school and home in relation to Assessment. Teachers and students have used CANVAS to create ‘To-do’ actions in their calendars, chunking actions to complete tasks and revise at home. Here is a reminder of what Mater Dei students identified as the actions of a motivated learner at school and home.
In upcoming weeks, Homegroups teachers will begin conversations with Year 10 students as they begin to consider their options for further study. These conversations are focused on exploring subjects which students are interested in currently and the possibilities for senior study. This is also an opportunity to discuss pathways for study and employment and make plans to see Mr Richard O’Connell our Transition and Pathways Specialist.
Year 11 students attended the annual RYDA Driver Awareness Program. The course explored mind state, distractions, safer roads, safer vehicles, safer speeds and vulnerable road users. The overall purpose is to gather students at a time when they are gaining independence on the roads, facilitating an awareness of their responsibility and actions to ensure the safety of themselves and others. Thank you to the staff and students who attended this workshop.
Year 9 students worked last week in gendered groups in an initiative facilitated by the Wagga Women’s Health Centre ‘Healthy Relationships’. Students worked with facilitators to explore common issues in relationships experienced by teenagers, scenarios and possible strategies to support young people in dealing with these issues. In addition, Year 9 girls completed ‘Hello Girls’ with myself and College staff, a session focused on issues and concerns in their lives at school, home and their interactions with the community. Year 12 students Charlotte Priest and Ruby Doherty assisted this session, sharing their experiences and offered strategies and suggestions to combat behaviour deemed to be unacceptable. Year 9 boys also had the opportunity to extend on their work from camp.
As we continue through the school year, I would like to take the opportunity to remind parents and students of the Reach Out Schools resources. A great collection of resources to support parents in school attendance can be accessed here and resources to support stress and teenagers can be found here.
Mrs Bianca Munro | Acting Leader of Students