Selecting Subjects at
Year 9
Selecting Subjects at
Year 9
The Year 9 curriculum at Mount Eliza Secondary College is based on an International Baccalaureate core and elective program. It is designed to provide students with a further opportunity to apply inquiry skills and learner profile attributes specific to each domain of learning.
Throughout the year, students will study Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, Mathematics, Language Acquisition (Indonesian), Science and Health and PE for the entire year. Students will be able to choose electives to supplement this core program. Each study will adopt the IB inquiry model, while maintaining expectations from the Victorian Curriculum Framework.
We ask students to choose carefully. Assistance in making choices can be gained from several areas: the Careers/Pathways Coordinat, subject teachers, and Year Level Coordinators are happy to provide advice. When making choices, students should give thought to what they are interested in and what they are good at, and select subjects based on their own preference NOT those of friends. If students choose a subject that they are good at and enjoy, there is a good chance of success.
Each unit is assessed fully during each semester. Therefore, it is essential that students keep up with their assessment tasks and submit work by the due date. Many practical subjects also have large written components which are compulsory.
The following information is a guide to subject selection.
1. Students must complete the following compulsory units
2. All Year 9 students are encouraged to select elective subjects from most of the following broad Areas of Learning
During the counselling process the breadth of student's subject selections will be examined and adjustments made if required.