Fern House

A message from our Student Leaders
2020 has been a challenging year not only for the Year 12s but for the juniors as well. This year has helped build friendships and has helped individuals identify their own strengths and weaknesses.
Although this year has been hard, the Fern community has been stronger than ever and we have maintained our house spirit through everything this challenging year has thrown at us. There is a saying that “our most significant opportunity will be found in the times of greatest challenges” and there certainly isn’t a greater challenge for a student than what we faced this year! Now that this challenge is nearly over and we are back at school with our friends, it is time for all of us to celebrate great achievements, knowing that we have triumphed over what other generations of students wouldn’t have even dreamt of.
Now is the time to reflect on the opportunities that these dark times have given us, what we have learnt about ourselves, the value of our friendships, teachers and families.
I would like to say thank you on behalf of all Fern students to all the staff and teachers for working so hard throughout remote learning to help us with our education and help us all get through this. I would also like to say well done to all the students for keeping up with everything and maintaining your self-confidence because it wasn’t easy but we all did it.
From the Fern Student Leaders