Eucalyptus House

This year has been a unique experience for the Eucalyptus Community and we are extremely proud of what we have been able to achieve in the most challenging of circumstances. The start to the school year saw students and staff full of energy and enthusiasm. We are extremely proud of our efforts, as we approach the end of another school year.
During the remote learning periods, our whole student leadership team worked hard to keep students connected with the school. Early on, they helped to develop a 'Welcome Back' video to greet students back to school following the first lockdown.
After our short time back on-site, motivation was needed to encourage the student population to stay connected to their studies. The group arranged some activities to help keep Eucalyptus alive online, organising a fort building and motivational poster competition. Some of the submissions were fantastic and showed the depth of talent that exists amongst our student population.
Hello and Goodbye
Returning to school in Term 4 with our Eucalyptus students was a joy. The resilience they demonstrated during online learning was inspiring. They persevered through many trials this year, particularly shifting between remote and online learning. They adapted and responded to these changes maturely, and the patience and compassion that they showed teachers gave us great comfort. We are incredibly proud of the independence they have developed, and we hope that they take these newfound skills with them into their studies next year.
We recently said goodbye to the Year 12 Eucalyptus class of 2020 and wish them well in their future endeavours.
Our Student Leaders
Our Eucalyptus student leaders have been exceptional this year, despite the interruptions to their schedules. At the start of the year, during the Swimming Carnival, Azalea and Glen-Lloyd were active in ensuring that students were entered into races and participating on the day. Although not topping the table by the end of the day, Eucalyptus put in a strong performance, helped immensely by our two House Captains.
Best wishes to Azalea, Glen-Lloyd and Reza in their future endeavors beyond Eucalyptus House.
Thank you also to Imogen, Rishika, Ali, Shasvini and Alia who represented Eucalyptus House as our SRC captains for their year levels.
Our Staff
We take this opportunity to acknowledge the dedicated and hard working Eucalyptus staff: Mr Moslih, Ms Sherry, Mrs Vengilat, Mr Diwell, Mrs Sreedharan, Ms Di Mascolo, Ms Tsolakis, Mr Pruysers, Mr Collins, Mr Daffy, Mr Singh, Mr Chapple, Mr Raulin, Mr Christoffelz, Mr Penhale, Mr Pawsey, Mr Thompson, Ms Chatzis, Ms Sellenger, Ms Mackay and Mr Curtis for their ongoing commitment to the students and their learning.
We would also like to thank Ms Barton, our House Administration Officer, for her tireless support of our students and families.
We wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday period and look forward to an exciting 2021.
Evelyne Katsoulis, Geoffrey Greaves, Sachitra Fernando & Melissa Sparks
Eucalyptus Leadership Team