Student Writers

Students in Eucalyptus 8 have been writing poems and stories on the theme of 'Humanity'. Please enjoy some of their work.
Dilani (E8)
The World of Humanity
Humanity is a collective, a race altogether,
how are we altogether, we hurt one another?
We've got children dying in the streets, tired, hungry and poor,
they don't even need to be in streets, but behind closed doors!
Humanity is defined as the actions that we do,
like the golden rule, treat me, how I treat you.
Well I can treat you all sorts of nasty, does that mean you have to get me back,
when I turn around, are you on the attack?
Sure, I'm talking religiously. I feel the need to talk rather freely.
So let me hit you with a couple of lines and see the word 'Humanity'
and how the people define humanity.
Where's our humanity, when we need it the most,
or is it just imagination, a figment of a ghost?
Humanity is both, and neither these things,
it's the person here, and alive, with a different song to sing.
Each person, is conscious of thought and is freely able to defend themselves, with everything they got.
We'll hope someone else
is there to pull our weight,
when we really need to do is first
step right through the gate.
Yes, we can, and should rely on others,
but don't expect our newfound friends, to treat us better than our mothers.
The burden of this world, is shared upon us all,
but should we relax and not do our solemn duties to each other, then together we shall fall.
So upward humanity!
Rise and face the coming day!
We've got too many problems, let us go and not delay!
We can't fight them all, but one by one we'll make them fall, give me time,
I'll show you reason.
I'll fight every day of every season.
Humanity have faith! In God and His Son!
Have faith in our Savior, and the War is already won!
Humanity, lean! Together shoulder to shoulder we stand!
We don't want world peace, but some peace is all we demand!
Where the world is struck by war, disease and famine too, it almost seems like there, is very little we can do.
But fear not, my dear Humanity, worry for us no more,
we've got so much fight left in us,
give us time enough to show that devil his way out the door.
Humanity don't give up, on us we do ask,
to fight the good fight, to help us complete our task.
Victoria (E8)
What Makes us Human?
What are humans?
What makes us, us,
is the emotions we bear
Together united,
Stronger than alone.
What makes us human,
Is what we believe,
But instead of hate,
We should just agree.
What makes us human,
Is invisible to see.
Easy to feel,
Not easy to hold.
What makes us human,
Is the bonds we build,
The bonds we break.
What makes us human,
Is holding what’s hard to bear,
Facing the challenges,
It’s easier to share.
What makes us human,
Is not a choice,
We’re not in this alone,
Not alone, but together.
Death & Grief
I am a mist,
Which floats through the air.
What fills people’s eyes,
Causing despair.
I am a mist,
Causing grief,
I steal them away,
The life thief.
I am a mist,
Who sees the care,
I see the happiness,
I know it isn’t fair.
I am a mist,
I tear families apart.
Zoom over wars,
Breaking people’s hearts.
I am a mist,
There is no defying,
I fly over battlefields,
Patrolling the death, the dead, the dying.
I am a mist,
I am the end,
Yet I am the beginning.
Life & Peace
The birds chirp ring,
Through the deep green leaves.
The child’s cry,
Quickly hushed.
The night air still,
Peaceful, yet full of noises.
The hum of hope,
Happiness, life.
The hum of people,
Not at war, at peace.
The hum of quiet,
Of nothing.
Sriya (E8)
The Lake Shows us our Reflection
I walked to school wearing the same type of ordinary shoes that all my other friends would wear. I made sure my hair was tied up precisely the way like everyone else, and my tie was at the right length. At school, I tried to get the exact same grades as everyone and do the same activities. It would be difficult trying to be like everyone else, but it would make me feel like I belonged somewhere.
The chatter of students flooded the school as we strolled through the unappealing school gates and gathered our things for the first class. I kept a smile plastered on my face for the whole entire day to not draw any attention, which would make my face sore by the time I got to the lake. I would visit the lake every day after school to observe the captivating moments of the setting sun and the clouds floating around it like pink fairy floss. Swiftly, I sat down in silence and dreamily stared into the water. The lake glistened in the fading sunlight, and the trees danced in the soft, icy breeze. Every time I looked into the lake, it had a series of ripples in the water, and I didn’t know why. Small fish were leaping here and there, and fluffy little ducklings were scurrying behind their mothers, except for one. One little duckling that looked different from the rest was following along flapping its tiny, cute feathers, but it was still happy.
Despite the fact, the duckling was different; it still was able to swim the fastest and live a happy life. That’s when the realisation hit me like a bullet. Why do I always have to be like someone else? Why can’t I just be myself for one day? Thoughts pounced into my head as I scrunched up my face and scratched my head. I was tired of always trying to be the same, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I clenched my fists and stood up to my feet. And that’s when I decided I should try being myself, even if it is just for one day. I strolled back home by myself, lost in my own thoughts. It doesn’t matter how other people see me. I just have to be myself.
I flung open the front door, chucked my bag beneath my desk, and began studying for the upcoming final exams. It had been four whole hours when my eyes began to fail me. I rushed to the bathroom and splashed icy water all over my face; I wasn’t going to give up so easily. I spent another hour studying instead of texting my friends till I felt prepared for the exams. I switched off the lights and slipped into my warm, cosy bed, and my thoughts swirled nervously as I drifted off to sleep.
The next day I awoke and gathered all the courage I had, threw my uniform on, not caring to make it look the same as the others. I put on my comfortable worn-out sneakers and left for school. My friends stared at me as if they had met an alien, but I didn’t care. I walked through the school gates and to my first class where we had our final exams. This time I tried my best and worked through the exam with full concentration, without trying to make any deliberate mistakes. Even though my friends didn’t want to hang around me, I got through the day just fine. Although the best part was at the end of the day, my teacher, who had my exam marks in hand came to me with an astonished expression. She stood with a blinding smile on her face and exclaimed, "You have achieved 99.5% on your exam and you have been accepted into the top university!"
Excitement flooded through me, and this time I didn’t have to force a smile onto my face. "Thank you so much!" The words tumbled out of my mouth like boulders. I was so ecstatic I sprinted all the way back to the lake after school had concluded. I rushed to the lake to feed the ducks and celebrate my achievement, but this time the water seemed different... Most of my life, I was trying to be someone else, but now I realised I should have been myself from the beginning. The water in the lake was still and clear, and all I could see was my reflection.
Tejasvi (E8)
Emotions Within
Much like the seasons,
this emotion comes and goes,
at times like a weathering tornado,
or a pride of lions hunting their prey,
devouring even the smallest glimmer of hope,
that a once joyful and free soul embraced.
It consumes me,
making me feel as though there is,
no inspirational quote,
no relatable music,
no comfort,
that can save me from drowning in my own ocean of
However what hurts the most is,
having to pretend it doesn’t hurt at all.
I fake a smile and say I’m ok,
when in reality I barely made it through the day.
Like a winding serpent slithering down a narrow path,
this emotion shows no remorse.
What begins as a dwindling kindle of rage,
it combusts into a menacing conflagration,
engulfing anything or anyone foolish enough to underestimate its
leaving only the ruins of shattered hearts,
longing to be whole once more.
The resentment consumes me,
spreading through my veins like wildfire,
veins that once carried pride and hope in my now crippled body.
So what is anger you ask,
well I believe it is a punishment we give ourselves for somebody else’s
This emotion holds power many aren’t even aware they possess,
if one allows darkness to cloud their judgment,
they shall slowly but surely,
drive themselves towards insanity.
I fear being forgotten and remembered as only a pile of ashes in a rustic vase,
I fear being no longer capable of fear and just floating along with a mindset of:
‘That’s just the way it is’,
I fear letting those I love down, letting me down,
these fears feed me,
they nourish my drive…
I love my fears.
When you base your expectations only on what you fear,
you blind yourself on the possibility of a new reality,
one of peace and prosperity,
hope and joy,
love and compassion.
Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult part of overcoming them.
So I ask you,
what is it you fear?
Your body surges with bliss,
as your tense shoulders give way to your earthly tether,
you finally realize,
the sky is your limit.
You soar freely in the blue vast,
releasing any tension and thriving in the moment.
You feel weightless,
as if at any moment you could be perched upon cloud nine.
Although at times you feel as though you are on the brink of collapsing
through the cloud,
it is important to acknowledge that
everyone needs fall a few times,
before one can truly shed their light.
After all,
unlike materialistic items such as clothing and technology,
being happy never goes out of style.
I see the children above,
hear their stories,
acknowledge their joy.
These people thrive,
life is handed to them on a gold platter,
little do the realize that while they relish in their joy,
we are bound to this lifestyle,
with shackles of despair dragging us towards a life a misery.
They have all the power in the world and freedom to use it,
however, they choose to hold themselves down.
They claim their abilities have limits,
I say,
it’s limitless.
They can only see what is good for them,
and not that others have needs too.
Rage and screams tear through my world,
I see small hand clamp over small ears,
they can no longer bear the sound of the
nearby chaos.
I’m jealous
of the people above
of joy, love, hope.