From Principal Team

Welcome back from home learning.
It was sheer delight to see smiling faces and rugged up students as we return again. From our staff, we shout out to families who have carried the baton in supporting students to learn. A massive cheer to our dedicated teachers who have again invested in creating exciting and consistent learning opportunities over the past few weeks. Bravo to one and all.
This morning in the comfort of my oodie
I visited classrooms on our Primary Campus to share the joy of students interacting with each other, completing an array of learning tasks and engaging in opportunity- building on skill sets across the board. I witnessed a Year 3 class writing from the eyes of an airline pilot landing a plane and the vocabulary being used was varied and superior to my expectations. Well done.
In Prep, we talked about the elements of a sentence and students proceeded to share with me "What they did in lock-down".
I learned about volcanoes in Year 5 and watched as Robert worked his magic with so Year 2 students.
On secondary numbers were good and again students and staff were excited to see each other and keen to get going with learning.
In regards to the Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 22nd June, these will still go ahead for the Primary Campus Students, however the Secondary Campus Students will need to attend school as normal and a new date for Parent Teacher Interviews will be advised in Term 3.
Over the next few weeks we will continue to face a range of challenges but with positivity, hope and each other we will get through. Enjoy your weekend and we will see you Tuesday.
Kerrie, Bill and Marcus