Deputy Principals' Reports

Mrs Mee Lin Liau

Deputy Principal - Intensive English Centre 

Evans Intensive English Centre (IEC) was privileged to be able to conduct our Term 2, 2021 Parent/Teacher Meeting on Tuesday this week since end of 2019. Attendance was at 70% with parents and carers in the IEC community. Hopefully this is the start of a return to normal school operations since COVID-19 impacted the NSW Intensive English Program. Teachers gave up their 'No Meeting Week' time, to engage with students’ families and to provide invaluable feedback to support the growing progress of English learning in key learning areas.


Despite prolonged border closures, daily school life is bustling as usual with a vibrancy of energy and purpose. Students are challenged with writing assessment tasks and graded on par with their mainstream schoolmates and with over 55% of Level 2 and 3 students performing as well as students in their year cohort. Twenty two students will be ready to transition onto high school or TAFE in five weeks’ time.


With the help of the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation, we are offering confidence building and English skills-based programs. Students continue to vie to participate in The Drumming Program and Haka Warriors. Older students are undertaking a filming project with Syd West Links to Learning on Fridays. 


In the meantime, students are challenged with formative and summative assessments and their achievements will be reported at the end of this term.


In the race for time towards the end of Term 2, Evans IEC is currently in the midst of planning for a grand inter-IEC Oratory Showcase in June. More will be mentioned about this exciting event in our next newsletter.