In the Library

Supporting Student Research Skills
Effective research skills are an important life skill for students to develop. The ability to search for, find, collect, analyse, interpret and evaluate information is essential for successful results. These skills are utilised when completing assignments and exams.
Navigating the world of information online and in libraries can be overwhelming. The library has created a set of help pages on myNorthcoteHigh for students, containing information and links to websites to assist them to:
- Find information using the web, the John Cain library and more
- Select good quality information and check credibility of websites
- Acknowledge your sources to make sure you avoid plagiarism and follow copyright rules
- Get your referencing right
The pages include a ‘Basics’ section with an overview of research skills, as well as more detailed topic pages to support students as they progress through school. The pages are available in MyNorthcoteHigh at
Tuesday Makerspace
Each Tuesday lunchtime learn how to build and program Spheros, ProBot Cars, Mbots , MakeyMakey kits and more. A space for all students to learn and create (DIY) with both independent and group work. Bring your device to download the apps and QR codes. All welcome and see Diana for details.