Celebrating Sporting Achievement

Sports People of the Year with Principal Sue Harrap

Sports Awards Breakfast

Once again our Annual Sports Awards Breakfast was a huge success. We had around 80 guests attending to celebrate our sporting year at NHS. 

Our guest speakers this year were Olympians and VIS Athletes Linden Hall and Peter Bol.  Linden and Peter both spoke of their path to success and setbacks along the way.  They highlighted how resilience is important and keeping your eye focused on your goals.  It was also lovely to have them stay around afterwards to chat with students, staff and parents. Peter Bol couldn’t resist the invitation from 2 students to have a game of 1 on 1 basketball.

Our Sport Captains
Students with Peter Bol and Linden Hall
Peter Bol
Linden Hall
Our Sport Captains
Students with Peter Bol and Linden Hall
Peter Bol
Linden Hall

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our guest speakers, parents, staff, and award winners for attending our Breakfast.  Well done to our Sport Captains who did an amazing presenting the awards and keeping morning run smoothly. Thank you also to the PE Faculty who pitched in helped out with set up and joined in alongside the sports captains with the clean up afterwards.

Congratulations to our Sports Award 2019 winners

Sporting Blue Awards:

Athletics – Niamh Tabit

Badminton – Linh Trinh

Basketball – Max Gurrisi

Cricket – Minnie O’Sullivan

Cross Country – Archie Noakes

Football – Jacob Bourke

Futsal – Eamon Coates,

Hockey – Matthew Bromley

Netball – Bella Collodetti

Soccer – Bhishek Neupane

Swimming – Matteo Rossi-Hunt

Tennis – Peter Lekkas

Table Tennis – Jarrah Kearney

Volleyball – Chloe Pattas

Sporting Blue awardees
Sporting Blue awardees

Coach of the Year:

Coaches of the Year
Coaches of the Year

Student – Connor Lester

Staff – Tess Legge










Sports Person of the Year Awards:

Sports People of the Year
Sports People of the Year

Junior: Molly McErlain and David Sandberg

Middle School: Douglas Buckeridge and Rosie Rodger

Senior: Lucy Grage-Perry and  Leon Foggiato


Service to Sport Award:

Parent - Anthony Stafford

Student – James Wickett

Staff – Cameron Prowse-Wilkins