Careers News

Directions for 2020
Halfway into term 4 and the focus in careers is planning for 2020 and assisting with transitions for students. If you need to discuss your plans for 2020 make an appointment with me via the following link:
A reminder to current Year 9 students that you should be thinking about your work experience placement for 2020. Now that Morrisby is completed, you hopefully have some interesting ideas to explore, and a week or work placement is a terrific way to do this. Work experience for all year 10 students in 2020 will run from May 11th until May 15th inclusive.
2019 Unit 3&4 Results Information
Year 12 scored VCE students
VTAC video on accessing VCE Results and ATAR is now available with 2019 dates on our YouTube channel:
Year 11s who have completed Year 12 subject in 2019
Anyone receiving Unit 3 & 4 subject results, including Year 11 students completing a single Year 12 subject, can register for and use the VCE Results and ATAR service to access their results. This service is separate from the VTAC account. You will need your VCAA number in order to register for this service. This can be provided by the Senior Years office if you don’t know it.
- All VCE students who are applying for courses through VTAC and have paid the course application fee by 5pm, Monday 9 December 2019 will automatically receive a printed ATAR statement if they qualify for an ATAR. This is mailed to the address listed on their VTAC account as at 5pm, Monday 9 December.
- Statements are mailed internationally if an international address is listed, however VTAC cannot guarantee overseas delivery so international students are encouraged to use a local postal address.
- Opt-out of printed ATAR statement
- Students who do not wish to receive a printed ATAR statement can use the “Opt out of hardcopy ATAR” link in their VTAC account to opt out.
Students not applying for tertiary courses
Students who are not applying through VTAC can still access their ATAR and VCE results online free of charge at the Results and ATAR website. If these students wish to purchase a printed ATAR statement, they can do so using the Request for VTAC Documentation form after results are released on Thursday 12 December.
Reminder: VTAC 2020 Key Dates
For a full list of cancelled, amended, and new courses, visit VTAC Course Updates
VTAC Personal Statement | Friday 6 December 2019 5pm |
ATARs Released | Thursday 12 December 2019 7am |
CoP for December Round Offers closes | Saturday 14 December 2019 4pm |
December Round Offers | Wednesday 18 December 2019 2pm |
Change of Preference (COP) closes | Friday 20 December 2019 2pm |
January Round International Offers | Tuesday 7 January 2020 2pm |
January Round Domestic Offers | Wednesday 15 January 2020 2pm |
February Offer Rounds | Monday 3 February 2020 onwards 2pm |
Year 12: Career practitioner availability over change of preference and offers
Following the release of ATARs, students can attend the careers office for assistance from 8.30am on Thursday December 12th. The careers office will be open until 4.30pm on Thursday 19th, and then by appointment only on the dates after that. Emails will be responded to ASAP on the day.
Please see the table below for further information.
Thursday 12th December | NHS Careers Office | 8.30am – 5.30pm |
Friday 13th of December | NHS Careers Office | 8.00am – 5.30pm |
Saturday 14th December | | 10.00am – 3.00pm |
Wednesday 18th December | NHS Careers Office | 8.30am – 4.30pm |
Thursday 19th December | NHS Careers Office | 8.30am – 4.30pm |
Friday 20th December | NHS Careers By Appointment Only | 9.00am – 12.00pm |
Tuesday 7th January | | 10.00am – 5.00pm |
Friday 10th January | | 10.00am – 5.00pm |
Wednesday 15th January | | 10.00am – 5.00pm |
Thursday 16th January | | 10.00am – 5.00pm |
Friday 17th January | | 10.00am – 5.00pm |
Mon 20/1 – Friday 24/1 | NHS Careers By Appointment Only | 10.00am – 2.00pm |