



A warm welcome back to Term 3, despite us working remotely from home.  Our teachers are preparing lessons built upon the foundations of Term 2.  In response to student, staff, and parent feedback, lessons are more collaborative to allow for students to see one another and work together. The live lessons are designed to hone in on the essential skills and we expect all students to attend.  There are also small group sessions where teachers are targeting students learning needs.  We have invested in some online learning programs, such as Mathletics and Raz Kids Plus, as extra educational tools to support students at home. Last term we had the slogan “do what you can, when you can”, and this was perfect as we entered into remote learning. Now that we are in a second lockdown phase it is important that we re-evaluate what is essential for our students. We reflected on our school values and have used these to drive our direction for learning. Our slogan for Term 3 is “be involved, be connected”. We want all of our students to be involved in all their live learning and to be connected with both their teachers and their peers.

We understand that attendance at all mini lessons may be impractical for a small minority of families, as families have their own unique circumstances, so please reach out to your teacher if you are finding it difficult to attend as we are here to work with you.  You all did an amazing job during home learning last time around and you can do it again.


We will continue to have virtual assemblies, our first for Term 3 is on Friday 31st July at 3:00PM.  A Compass notification will be sent on the day with the Google Meet link. We hope that you will join us, as we are keen for all to "be involved and be connected". 


We love to hear that you are connected and pulling together to support one another using social platforms such as WhatsApp. We just want to take the opportunity to remind you about confidentiality and privacy, and the importance of not sharing anything that includes the name of a child or their photo without gaining prior permission from the parent. 


Last term we sent out a survey to gather parental input for our school review. We really want to know your thoughts on how we are going as a school, and where we could work to improve further. We will leave this survey open for one more week so that everyone has an opportunity to have a say in the future direction of the school.


Please find the survey here: Parent Input for School Review