Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
What a wonderful job our community has done moving back into Remote and Flexible Learning! I would like to thank everyone for the efforts they are putting in to achieve great things for our students.
We know that this can be a challenging time for families and I urge you to be kind to each other. If that means taking some time off from the daily school plan to do some cooking, gardening or another activity you enjoy, please do this. We want this to be a manageable process for families whilst providing a program that continues the learning for our students. Please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher if you need further support.
Please make sure you tune into assembly today which has been uploaded onto Google Classroom. We will run assembly each fortnight during the remote learning period.
In alignment with DET policy student attendance will continue to be documented during remote learning. All students will be expected to confirm daily attendance via joining a daily Webex check in, notifying their teacher through a Dojo message or messaging on Google Classrooms.
If students are unwell, we ask that parents/carers notify staff of this so it can be added to our daily attendance. If we haven’t been notified by 9:30am, it will be marked as unexplained absence. If you have more than one child and only one device, students can be marked present by attending the eldest sibling’s morning roll call Webex.
We understand that some families may require access to onsite attendance for children. There are a clear set of guidelines from the Department of Education and Training around this. It is still recommended if you can learn from home, you must learn from home. The purpose of this to stop people from moving around the community and ultimately to stop the spread of the virus.
If you require onsite attendance at school, we ask that you contact the office and speak to Anthea or myself.
If your child is eligible for onsite attendance, a form needs to be submitted online. Please note this form is a new process and it will be emailed to families early next week.
If you are unable to complete the online form, please email a copy of the onsite attendance form to
This form needs to be submitted by 12pm on a Thursday for the following week. Please note the change in time for these forms to be submitted.
All enrolment documents are available to download from our website. You may also contact the school and we can send the information to you via email or the post.
If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling, please ask them to contact the school. Thank you to our families who are getting the good word out in the community about our school, word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising.
Unfortunately, until the health advice changes, we are unable to do school tours.
Next week's value is: Inclusion
Next week's behaviour focus is: I will be kind to others.
Wishing everyone an enjoyable and safe weekend.
Brea and Anthea