This Week at Twin Rivers
Remote/Flexible Learning
Check out some great examples of remote/flexible learning from this week.
Grade 5/6 Writing examples
Grade 1-4 Artwork
We were studying the artist Pete Cromer - 1/2s made Wally the Western Plains Wanderer and the 3/4s made our school house mascots, koala (Gurburr), kangaroo (Barra), Murray cod (Burnanga) and cockatoo (Djarring) .
Preps have been learning about the Life Cycle of Frogs
Grade 3/4 B have been doing an inquiry activity where students had to choose a proverb and write a song around it. Jesse did a brilliant job!
Year 1 & 2 students have been exploring writing different kinds of poems. Here are some of our beautiful remote learning submissions.
Concrete & Formula Poems
Cinquain Poems
Alliteration Poems