Capa Showcase

The Inaugural CAPA Showcase

On Wednesday 6th April, the CAPA Faculty hosted its first showcase of talent across years 7-12 in the show “Lights, Camera, Action!” The evening was a display of talent across Music, Dance, Drama, Visual Arts, Photography and even a Spanish Cultural Performance. It was wonderful to see the new Multipurpose Centre full of our school community coming in the evening to marvel at the work students have been diligently rehearsing over the past year, especially through the difficulties of Learning From Home. From a student beat-boxing, a heavy metal guitarist, pianists, vocalists, Spanish singing and dancing, dramaturgs, dancers and artists, it was clear to see the Kingswood High School is host to many hidden talents across the school. All of the performers in the evening either came from senior classes or are a part of our STEP enrichment programs, having to audition to perform for the evening, instilling high expectations into all our students. Not only were students stars on stage, but behind the scenes there was so much happening with the STEP LIVE Crew learning about all the ins and outs of the trade of performances so that they could seamlessly provide transitions in staging for the performances. Also, students learnt about hosting and it must be noted that the hosts for the evening, Milicia Zivcec and Aurelio Sardelic, were superb with their creativity in engaging the audience, especially through humour. Finally, it was a success for CAPA to also host many raffles and sell confectionery on the evening fit for an evening at the theatre, assisting students with their skills in reaching out to the community and making connections. 

We very much look forward to hosting our next showcase later this year for our HSC students. 

Ms Meduri

Head Teacher Creative & Performing Arts/Languages