School Photo Day

Rescheduled School Photo Day: Tuesday, 7 June

Our official College photographs will be taken on Tuesday, June 7. 


Uniform Requirements

Students must wear the correct winter uniform with a maroon jumper. If students need to wear their sport uniform for HPE class during the day, they need to bring their sport gear to school and change as needed. 

Year 12 students are permitted to wear their Year 12 Jackets, provided that every student wears one. 

Our College uniform guidelines must be followed: please refer to the guidelines laid out in the College planner. Students will not be permitted to wear hair accessories or jewellery not consistent with uniform expectations. 

Please contact Mrs Natalie Holt (Director of Students) or the relevant YLC if you have any questions or require further clarification concerning uniform expectations. 


How to Order Photos

Photo ordering can be done through the following link:

Ordering cards for parents to order through the MSP website were issued back in February. Ordering has remained open and parents can use the same card that was sent originally to place their order.

If parents cannot remember if they have placed an order please email to confirm.

If parents have misplaced the original ordering card please email with the names of your children and they can supply the shootkey(s).