Live Webinar Invite

The Cyber Safety Project TCC Survey Results

The Cyber Safety Project have conducted a targeted anonymous survey aimed at capturing insights into the current digital habits of students at Trinity College. The Digital Habits survey consisted of 40 questions focused on capturing insights into our students’ personal use of digital technologies including school-based devices and personal devices (such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones and gaming consoles).


The results are interesting and provide opportunities for further discussion both in the classroom and at home. Already, Trinity educates all students about positive online participation through the current curriculum and has engaged the services of Cyber Safety Project to run Digital Wellbeing sessions for all Year 7-10 students. 

Guest speakers from Victoria Police, have run annual sessions with our students around consent and the law, with further follow up lessons delivered through iLEAP and the Think Resilience program. 


Families are encouraged to make time for our online parent webinar on Wednesday, June 8th, 7:30pm – 8:45pm. The session aims to provide insights and important information about popular social networking and gaming platforms trends and will discuss ways families can support their teenagers to be confident, independent, and safe digital users. Please register your interest via the following link: