Trinity Does Nude Food!

Last Friday Trinity held our first school-wide Nude Food Day, with students and staff brining lunch boxes free of single-use wrapping and packaging.

It was wonderful to see people getting on board the Nude Food movement and to observe the presence of many reusable containers, compostable wraps, silicone food pouches and other alternatives to single-use plastic.

Throughout the week students participated in a Nude Food Quiz Competition to test their knowledge and evoke thoughts about our environmental impact. Correct Quiz responses went into the draw to win re-usable food packaging items. Two students from 7E and one student from 9D were the lucky winners of these prizes.

We are looking forward to holding another designated Nude Food Day in Term 3, making it a regular feature of each term on our school calendar.

At Trinity, we are committed to improving our environmental impact and are striving to achieve great positive change in this area.

The ‘plastics problem’ is one that we can all notice in our daily lives, but also something that everyone can help make better. We may not be able to stop litter completely, but as a school community, we sure can help make a difference.


Did you know?

  • On average, Australians use 130kgs of plastic per person each year.
  • In Australia, 85% of soft plastics from bags and packaging end up in landfill.
  • The amount of plastic that leaks into the Australian marine environment equates to five kilograms of plastic entering the ocean per person each year. This is more than three times the global average.
  • WWF estimates that one million tonnes of Australia’s annual plastic consumption is single-use plastics.

Sources: Sustainability Victoria, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Australia’s No Plastic Report 2020, ABC’s War on Waste,