Work Experience and VCAL Work Placement
Fantastic work experience and work placement opportunities and feedback from our local employers – keep the compliments to our students coming!
Kaylee Barker, Gemma Fox, Mitch Scurrah, Lily Dalziel, Jonno McAsey, Lachlan Sands, Ashka Foley and Lily Krispyn - ‘absolutely brilliant’
Lily Stewart – ‘Lily is a great help. She has been working in our nursery and the children adore her’.
Jai Moore - first day! ‘did a great job today, the students were very receptive and he showed some great initiative’.
Jayda Lee Meagher – ‘She’s settled right in and enjoying her time with us. Everyone has commented on what a well-mannered, lovely young lady she is’.
There are also a number of students undertaking work trials which could lead to full time employment – well done to Johnno McCann, Riley Armstrong and Jamie Stone at this moment.
We are excited for our 14 students chosen to be a part of the Echuca Regional Health Work Experience program from the 6th – 10th of June. Congratulations to Holly Pendlebury, Natasha Glover, Ella Birtles, Jayda Lee Meagher, Taneisha Horne, James Graham, Aaron Cooper, Cody McGibbon, Jorja Avers, Portia Battiscombe, Sara McPherson, Maddi Chilver, Sebastian Ward and Montana Coates who will all have the opportunity to discover their passion for the health industry first hand.
Echuca College University Visits – Who’s Been & Who’s Coming? Mark your Diary.
It is terrific to see many of Victoria’s universities taking the time to visit regional secondary schools. Travel to Melbourne can be difficult so to have representatives come and speak to us are opportunities not to be missed. So come along, be inspired and encouraged about what exciting things lie beyond secondary school.
La Trobe University – BEEN, visited, presented and spoke with Year 10, 11 and 12 students Monday.
RMIT University & TAFE – COMING, On the back of their Shepparton evening, RMIT representatives will be available Wednesday the 1st of June from 10.40 to 11.15am for a short discussion with students in Year 10, 11 and 12. Please book your place with an email to Lorelle.
University of Melbourne – COMING, After their Echuca presentation at The Mill, UoM will call in to Echuca College to talk with interested Year 11 and 12 students about all things Melbourne Uni on Thursday the 9th of June from 12.50 – 1.20pm. Please book your place with an email to Lorelle.
Echuca Moama Beacon & Real Futures Year 9 Program
So far this year we have had our Beacon Leadership Day, Beacon Business Breakfast, Beacon Interview Technique Sessions and today we are holding our mock interview sessions for all Year 9 students with local community members and business people.
We have nearly completed Morrisby profiling and those students have received their Morrisby booklets and lifetime membership. Students who did not get to complete their profile will be able to do so in class and will be interviewed late June, early July.
I want to thank my outstanding team of Beacon Leaders for the job they are doing in representing our college and supporting me – thanks so much Oakley T, Kailey S, Malik DK, Zac D, Lachie P and Finn McP.
With a lapse of two years we welcome back the Year 9 Careers Expo at Rich River on the 31st of May. Students will participate in their chosen careers workshops alongside professionals from an enormous range of industries – think police, athletes, vets, writers, bloggers, ambulance, fire, horses, nurses, animals, banks, even astronauts! Live action workshops for all attendees.
Opportunities supported through Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning Network
Echuca is fortunate to have one of the most proactive and encouraging LLENs in Victoria. Anne, Jacq, Jane and Nicki advocate for all things education and employment and have young people at the forefront of everything they do. The college has taken up so far this year a Careers Expo in Shepparton – Year 11 and 12 VCAL students and the Food and Fibre Day on Friday 27th May at Dookie. We look forward to many more. Thank you ladies.
Don’t forget…… keep an eye on the Echuca College job board, social media, Compass and school emails for all things Echuca College careers and pathways.