What is being created in the Art Building!
Student Highlights
Year 11 Studio Art student Ryan Griffiths has created this amazing pencil drawing of Billie Eilish. Students have been admiring the realistic detail of this drawing hanging up on our walls. We look forward to seeing more portraits by Ryan!
Excursion to Bendigo
Year 10-12 Visual Communication and Design and Studio Art students recently travelled to Bendigo to visit the Bendigo Art Gallery and La Trobe Art Institute Gallery. The ‘Elvis: Direct from Graceland’ display was enjoyed by all with the exhibition including, videos, clothing and even Elvis’s car and motorbike! At the Latrobe Art Institute students saw an exhibition with video artworks and installations that explored the image of the idealised performer getting it ‘right.’
Year 12 Studio Art students get to compare two exhibitions visited in Unit 4. The two exhibitions will provide a great range of comparisons for them to use.