
Saturday June 18 - ONLY 8 DAYS AWAY


OLHC Disco!


Saturday 18 June 2022

OLHC Parish Hall, Henry Street Eltham


Junior Disco (Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2) 5:00pm - 6:30pm


*Grade 3 students have the option of attending either the junior or senior disco but cannot attend both.


Senior Disco (Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6) 7:00pm - 8:30pm


The cost of the event is:

$7 per child 



Payments can be made via CDF Pay 



The OLHC Disco is a parent run event and is a brilliant opportunity to bring the OLHC children together for a night of fun, music and dancing. As it is parent run there will be no OLHC Staff in attendance.


The Parish Hall

The OLHC Disco will be held in The Parish Hall. For the full disco experience, the Parish Hall will be dark with disco lights and an external DJ will be there to provide entertaining music . We ask that you bring your child/ren in through the gate entrance on Henry Street. The school will not be open for any other purpose other than for the children to attend the disco in the Parish Hall.


COVID -19 Safe Plan

As part of our COVID-19 safe plan we request the following:

  1. If you are a parent helping or staying on the night, we please ask that you wear a mask, have a current Working with Children’s Check and are fully vaccinated.
  2. If your child is unwell, please do not send your child to this event. There will be alot of singing at the disco and we know this has been a key preventative for schools in holding these types of events in the past.
  3. For the purpose of optimal ventilation we look to have a few doors open throughout the night.

Parental and carer information

On the night we will have allocated areas patrolled by parents to ensure the safety of all children. In addition, we will have a First Aid nominated person for the Junior and Senior Disco. We ask that if you believe your child will benefit in you staying that you do stay to ensure everybody gets the best out of this experience. However, we are happy for you to leave your child with us for the duration of the disco, but please ensure you are accessible by mobile phone should we need to contact you. We would also appreciate punctual collection of children at the end of each disco.


This is a device free event. We ask that phones or devices are not brought to the disco. This is a parent run event held on the grounds of OLHC. There will be photos taken on the night that we can share with you at a later stage.



We understand that there may be families who have children in the Junior and Senior school however we are unable to have children stay in between 6:30pm - 7:00pm. There is no parental supervision at this time and we will need to lock the doors for a clean to prepare for the Senior Disco. This is a brilliant opportunity to connect with other parents to work out the logistics of the night.


Where does my money go?

The entry fee pays for the external DJ, Zooper Doopers , Glow Sticks etc that will be distributed and experienced on the night. Anything remaining will be put towards general fundraising for school.


Thank you


Karly (Fletcher and Rory’s Mum)

Kerry (Lachie and Tom’s Mum)