Around the Classrooms

Junior School

Kitchen Garden

We have been busy in the garden so far this term.  Our corn has taken off, our watermelons and cucumbers are starting to grow and our potatoes are nearly ready for harvesting.  We are also looking forward to having a few more kitchen sessions this term.  Last term we made Anzac biscuits.


Life Education and First Aid

The Junior School has been very lucky to have two special visitors so far this term.  Life Education and Happy Harold came to teach the students about being safe and healthy and the St Johns Ambulance First Aid came to talk to us about what to do in case of an emergency.  One thing that came to our attention at both these sessions was the amount of students in the Junior School who don’t know their street address.  In case of an emergency,  if a your child needs to call ‘000’ they will need to know their street address.  Please make this a priority to make sure your child knows this.  It is also helpful if they know one of their parents mobile numbers to in case they are lost at a shopping centre and someone is trying to contact you.

Year 5 and 6

WOW! What a busy few weeks it has been in Year 5/6. Between NAPLAN, school photos and our St. John Ambulance incursion, the students have been working incredibly hard! We would like to congratulate all Year 5s upon completing NAPLAN. We were blown away with the amount of effort all students gave and the positive mindset in which they approached NAPLAN with. We would also like to say well done to the Year 6s who encouraged their peers completing NAPLAN and worked quietly during this time to support them.


In Content Knowledge, the students have begun learning about the Maya, Aztec, and

Inca Civilizations. Students have been learning to clarify new words and adding these words to their vocabulary.

In Text Construction, students have been working to develop their own characters and have been writing narrative texts to feature these characters.


In Math, students have been working to develop fluency with known multiplication facts and using these facts to solve worded problems for both multiplication and division.

As mentioned above, Year 5/6 students had the privilege of participating in a St. John  Ambulance incursion. Our students learned about administering CPR are now confident in using DRSABCD to safely administer CPR. What a great skill to have!