Year 7/8 Buddy Program

Ruby Lay

It was back in business with a kick start to 2022’s Year 7 and 8 J.A. buddy sessions. The Year 7’s got the opportunity to meet their buddies for the first time on Orientation Day last year. It was an exciting time as now, they knew somebody else in the school who they could talk to, share their thoughts, ask questions, and spend time with outside class. Organised buddy sessions would prioritise normal classes and, in those sessions, we got to do fun activities with our buddies including games, talk about high school experiences, goals for the year and more.


“The buddy sessions were enjoyable because I got to spend time with my buddy and learn more about the school.” – Soraya 7M3


“I think the buddy program went really well yet I’m very sad that it’s over. I thought the picnic was really fun and I am hoping that next year I might become a Year 7’s buddy. I am also very excited for next year's Year 7s because I am sure they will have a blast with their Year 8 buddies, introducing them and helping them settle into the school! Also, I think the buddies were a perfect way to welcome all of us Year 7’s into the school and get us used to high school. – Sara 7C2

Unfortunately, however, our last buddy session came to an end on Friday the 25th of March. Although we were all wretched by the fact that it was our last session together with our Year 8 and fellow Year 7 buddies, it came down to an amazing time as all the Year 7’s and their Year 8 buddies went to a local park to have a picnic to celebrate our last buddy session together. As sad as it was, it was an absolute blast to end off as we all feasted and stuffed ourselves with lollies, chips, snacks and more. I am sure we were all extremely grateful to be able to have an amazing opportunity like this and even though we aren’t going to have any more buddy sessions in the future, we can hopefully still see them roaming around the school grounds. Overall, I was so glad to be a part of this wonderful experience and I’m sure we were all delighted with the outcome. 

  • Ruby Lay