Mother's Day assembly and morning tea

Thank you, mum!

What a lovely morning

It was a beautiful but chilly morning last Monday. 

Thank you to all the mums, aunties, grandmothers and special friends who joined us in our mothers day celebration on Monday. We had over 65 attendees, which was amazing!



Just for Mother's Day, our School Prayer changed a little this week: 


Loving God, you sent our mums and special women, as well as Jesus to be with us. 

As the family of St John Vianney’s school, we ask for your continued blessing on us all. Just like you, our mums are there when we endeavour to do our best in all our learning. They guide us in all our play and help us to be kind and considerate to others.

When things get tough or go wrong, help us to remember that all these special women and you are with us.

Send us your spirit to be active in our lives.

Thank you mums for teaching us to pray, to believe, to hope, to be patient, to forgive and to love.

May we strive to be your face, hands and heart, just like them.

St John Vianney, pray for us.



Thank you to all the staff who helped out on the day and a special thanks to Mrs Lacey for leading our choir on her day off and Miss Leyla for setting up a beautiful morning tea for all these special women.


If you have any feedback, please email me at


Kind regards, 


Ru Lameijn