What's Happening

Book Fair is on again - Thursday 19th and Friday 20th May

8.30 - 9.00am and 3.30 - 4.00pm

The 2022 Book Fair is just around the corner! The Book Fair is not just an opportunity to pick up some news and exiting books and book-related items for your family, it is also an important fundraising activity for our school and we also get lots of new books for our library.  So if you are planning any book purchase or have upcoming birthdays (Christmas even!), pop in to the book fair and you'll be sure to find something perfect!


The 2022 Book Fair will be open in the Library on Thursday, 19th and Friday 20th May from 8.30am - 9.00am and 3.30pm - 4.00pm

Please drop by the STEM room during Education Week on Open night… 

In today’s age of information, the ability to innovate, be technologically fluent, and understand how and why things work together is incredibly important.


During first Semester some selected students participated in a “high ability” STEM program, which was held every Wednesday afternoon.


This enrichment program was designed to challenge students by adding depth and complexity to Maths, Science and Engineering skills and concepts. Students followed the Engineering design process (1) identifying problems and defining criteria for successful solutions, 2) brainstorming solutions, 3) selecting testable solutions, 4) creating the solutions, 5) testing and improving the solutions, and 6) sharing the solutions with others), turning ideas into reality by combining hardware and programable software, developing problem solving skills and working collaboratively.


 Students were briefed at the beginning of the program, were guided through an iterative problem-solving process, and will present their findings at the project’s conclusion. The brief was to design a working city. They were required to figure out the best way to use the land in their city —for example houses, stores, parks, schools, roads. They then, created a two dimensional sketch build one of the brainstormed buildings. As the weeks progressed they added increased complexity to their buildings such as motors, sensors and lights, and  programmed them using Make Code.


At the conclusion of the program students are required to create a flow chart with pseudocode which they will then give to another group who need to re-create the program.


Congratulations to everyone for all the amazing STEM learning. Remember to keep challenging yourselves, keep asking questions and investigating problems.


This program was designed with the help of Michael Best, an Engineer with the CSIRO who has been partnered with me as part of a government initiative linking Scientists and educators 

​Kind regards,

Melinda Browne

2nd Hand Uniform Shop

Dear Parents/Carers, the 2nd Hand Uniform Shop will be open on Monday 9th May and then every second Monday after from 9.00 - 9:30am, all items are $6 and is payable via the office by EFTPOS only.


Term 2 dates are as follows: May - 9th & 23rd May - 6th & 20th June

Lost Property

Update Student Records


Have you moved house, changed jobs or mobile numbers?  Is so, please advise the office by email of the new details so student records can be updated. Remember to keep the school advised at all times so records are always correct.

Helping Hands

HH is a small group of parents at RMPS who can help if your family is facing hardship. 

We can provide assistance in the following ways this semester:

  1. Provide lunchbox foods for your child/ren. 
  2. Pick up and drop off groceries if you are isolating due to COVID-19

If you require this type of assistance, please make contact with Ms Wigg. 


Emma Moore (Helping Hands Co-ordinator) 


If you are facing ongoing hardship and require further assistance, the Salvation Army provides the following services:


Community Lunch

The Salvation Army 

7-11 Bowen Street, Camberwell

Fridays and Sundays at 12:00 noon

2-3 Courses for free

Take away available


Doorways Community Support

Financial Counselling, emergency relief and case management

The Salvation Army

1010 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill

Call to book an appointment 

9897 9000

Canteen News


The canteen is open on Wednesdays and Fridays for over the counter sales only.  Snacks, drinks and frozen items will be available.